

Eclipse Plugin for VisionX (EPlug)

This is an old revision of the document!

Version: 1.0 / 2018-03-29


EPlug is a plugin to extend the Eclipse Java Integrated Development Environment with support and additional features for development with the JVx Application Framework and the VisionX Low-Code Development Platform.

Because JVx is utilizing various different techniques to achieve its goals and the necessity to work around technical limitations, we provide support to IDEs like Eclipse to achieve a very good user experience when building complex applications.


EPlug extends the Java IDE with additional features and functionality, for example:

  • Interaction with VisionX
  • Extended auto-completion
  • Extended compile-time checks
  • Extended hover information
  • Various commands

EPlug adds the ability to interact with VisionX directly from the Java IDE for certain actions, both triggered by the user and automatically.

A screenshot of Eclipse showing multiple EPlug features at once.

For a complete and detailed list of features, see Interaction with VisionX.


EPlug can be installed from the Eclipse Marketplace by using the EPlug marketplace entry.

The EPlug-VisionX marketplace page.

Drag the “Install” into the running Eclipse instance to install the plugin.

License and Trial

When Eclipse started the first time after EPlug has been installed, a prompt is opened to either select a commercial license file from the local disk or to request a new trial license from the license server.

The trial window as it appears upon first run of Eclipse with EPlug.

When a new trial license is requested, the license server will be contacted and a new, unique trial license will be issued.

The notification that the trial license has been activated.

A commercial license can also be selected anytime in the preferences under EPlug -> License.

The EPlug License Preference Page.

In the preferences you can also view various information about the license, including the time remaining until it is expiring if it is a trial license.

Using EPlug

For all features to be available, EPlug must be activated on the current project. This can be done through the First Run Wizard which is displayed when Eclipse is started the first time after the EPlug installation.

The first run wizard which allows to activate EPlug on projects.

Select all projects on which you want to enable EPlug and press “OK”.

Afterwards EPlug can be activated on single projects through the project context menu.

The the project context menu showing the option to activate EPlug on this project.

Or through the project preferences.

The project preferences with the EPlug node selected.

Interaction with VisionX

VisionX is a low-code development platform which let's you quickly create, edit and publish applications. It has the ability to interact with EPlug, and EPlug can interact with VisionX in a variety of ways.

Connecting with VisionX

The connection to VisionX can be toogled by clicking the menu item and selecting the option “VisionX Communication”.

The VisionX toolbar menu.

It can also be toggled through the context menu of the editor.

The VisionX context menu that can be accessed in the editor.

VisionX does automatically connect with a running EPlug instance.

Synchronizing the selection

The selection between VisionX and EPlug can be synchronized either manually or by automatic means. The selection in Eclipse is the position of the cursor in the text editor, the selection in VisionX is the actual selection of components in the design mode.

When VisionX is in the Design Mode, the Eclipse button becomes available which allows to directly synchronize the selection between VisionX and EPlug.

VisionX in Design Mode with the customizer open on an editor.

When pressing the Eclipse button the currently selected component will also be selected in the Eclipse code editor.

The source of the workscreen with the correct element selected.

When editing code in Eclipse the currently edited component can also be selected in VisionX by using the “VisionX” context menu in Eclipse.

The VisionX context menu that can be accessed in the editor.

By selecting “Show in VisionX” or “Edit in VisionX” the component currently under the cursor will be selected in VisionX.

Automatic synchronization of the selection can also be activated in VisionX through the tools menu, by selecting the item “Automatically show sourcecode”.

VisionX with the tools menu open.

Notifying of changes

EPlug has the ability to inform VisionX that changes to the sources have occurred and that it should reload the application. That can be done manually by selecting the command from the menu, or the automatic reloading can be activated.

When automatic reloading is activated, VisionX will automatically reload the application everytime a file in the project has been edited.


There are various commands available to interact with VisionX.

The VisionX context menu that can be accessed in the editor.

Auto Reload

When “Auto Reload” is activated, VisionX is automatically reloading the application when the source has been changed from within Eclipse.

Auto Select

When “Auto Select” is activated, VisionX is automatically selecting the component which is being currently edited.

Show in VisionX

The currently selected item or source file is selected in VisionX.

Edit in VisionX

The currently selected item or source file is selected in VisionX, and the Design Mode is turned on in VisionX.

New Workscreen

The New Workscreen Wizard is opened in VisionX.


EPlug provides various commands which can be used to navigate the project. These are either available from the context menu on a source file, or can be assigned custom keybindings through the Eclipse preferences.

The EPlug context menu that can be accessed through the editor.

Open Declaration

Extends the Eclipse “Open Declaration” command to be able to also jump to the declarations of actions and server calls. Because it extends the built-in functionality, this can be used as a replacement of the built-in command.

Go To Complement Class

Opens the complement class of the currently open file.

The complement class is the “counterpart” of every class on the client or server. So when invoked on a workscreen (client-side), it will open the server-side LCO class, and vice versa.

Go To application.xml

Opens the application.xml file of the project.

Go To config.xml

Opens the client-side config.xml file of the project.

Go To Server config.xml

Opens the server-side config.xml file of the project.

Go To web.xml

Opens the web.xml file of the project.

Check File

Runs all EPlug checks on the file without building it anew.


The biggest and most important feature of EPlug is the support for DataBooks, both RemoteDataBooks and MemDataBooks to be exact.

Because DataBooks are using Strings to identify columns (instead of properties or Enums), it cannot be covered by the default functionality of Eclipse and the Java compiler. EPlug extends Eclipse with additional functionality to be able to provide various features on and around DataBooks and column names.

Both, the RemoteDataBook and the MemDataBook are supported out of the box. In the case of a MemDataBook, the metadata is not requested from the data source (because there is none), but the metadata is directly extracted from the code itself.

Compile time checks

Column names are checked during compilation if they are correct or not. This is done by actually requesting the metadata from the data source and comparing the names against it. In the case of the MemDataBook the metadata is built directly from the code.

The workscreen source with a mistyped column name being highlighted.

Quick fixes are provided in the case that a column name has been misspelled to make it easier to fix simple errors.

Hover tips

When hovering over a column name, a hover tip is displayed which shows all the information about the column that is available. The information includes:

  • Name
  • Datatype
  • Label
  • Default value
  • And various other properties

The hover tip of a column name showing various informations and properties of the column.

Code completion

Column names are also offered in the code completion dialog, complete with all available information about them.

The code completion of Eclipse showing column names for the current DataBook.

The same information as in the hover tips is being displayed alongside all columns that can be selected in the code completion dialog.

DataBooks view

Additionally there is the DataBooks View, which does list all DataBooks and all columns in the currently edited file together with their datatype and label.

The DataBooks View displaying the currently used DataBooks.

The view can be added to the Eclipse perspective in the menu under Window -> Show View -> Other....


The behavior of the DataBooks plugin can be changed by changing the project preferences.

The project preferences with the DataBook node selected.

Check the DataBooks on refresh

When enabled, DataBooks are checked when a refresh of the file is performed, not only when the file is build.

Check DataBooks while you type

When enabled, DataBooks are checked as you type without the need to save and/or build the file.

This is especially useful when working with MemDataBooks, as their metadata might have been typed just seconds before being used.

Build options

The build behavior can be changed in the project preferences.

The project build properties of EPlug.

Action when no metadata was provided

This option allows to control how the plugin behaves when no metadata could be acquired for the DataBook that is being checked. Please note that “no metadata could be acquired” is not the same as “acquiring failed”, for example it could be that a DataBook is the parameter of a function. In that case is not possible to determine from where the DataBook originated, so no metadata can be determined.

With this option, the behavior for such a situation can be controlled, whether the plugin should issue a notice/warning/error or do nothing.

Check DataSource of RemoteDataBooks

This option allows to control whether the datasource on RemoteDataBooks should be checked if it is correctly set or not. This is basically a check whether the name of the RemoteDataBook can be mapped to a server-side storage object.


Another pillar of EPlug is the support for actions. Actions are a simple mechanism which provide the ability to use method references by specifying an object and the name of the method. The ability to use “real” method references has only lately become an integrated functionality of the JRE and of course JVx does also support this.

Out of the box the EPlug support for actions does support all EventHandler extensions and various other methods.

Compile time checks

The action names and references are checked during compilation for their existence and correct signature.

The workscreen source with a mistyped action name.

Quick fixes are provided in the case that a method name has been misspelled or is non-existent.

Hover tips

When hovering over the action name, a basic hover tip is provided which displays the most important information about the function.

The hover tip of an action showing the function signature.

Code completion

Action listener names are also offered in the code completion dialog.

The code completion of Eclipse showing the "fitting" functions that can be used as actions.


To make it easier to create and add listeners, two templates are available from the code completion list which automatically create listener methods when chosen.

The code completion of Eclipse showing the two templates that can be inserted.

The first option creates a new listener method without any parameters, the second creates a listener method with the action specific parameters. The new method is inserted at the end of the class and can be edited directly.

The source of the workscreen with the newly inserted function.

Refactoring support

When an action listener is refactored through the provided mechanisms of Eclipse, the references to it are automatically refactored, too.

Server calls/actions

Through the connection of the application, it is possible to directly execute functions and actions on the server. JVx allows to do this by specifying the function name to call on the server and appending the parameters for the to be called function.

Compile time checks

The server calls/actions are checked during compilation for their existence and whether the correct parameters have been provided.

The source of the workscreen showing a misspelled server side action.

Hover tips

When hovering over the name of a server call/action, a basic hover tip is provided which displays the most important information about the function.

The hover tip of a server call showing the function signature.

Code completion

Server calls/actions are also offered in the code completion dialog.

The code completion of Eclipse showing the available server side functions

Build options

The build behavior can be changed in the project preferences.

The project build properties of EPlug.

Object parameters passed to server calls

This option defines how the plugin should treat server calls/actions which are passed with Objects as parameters and if it should issue a notice/warning/error or do nothing.

This is an especially useful function when one does call a lot of server functions with parameters from DataBooks, let us assume the following server side function:

public String concatName(String title, String firstname, String lastname)
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(title))
        return firstname + " " + lastname;
        return title + " " + firstname + " " + lastname;

This can be called from the client side:

String fullname = getConnection().callAction(

The DataBooks getValue function does return by default Objects, but the server side function does expect three parameters of the type String. With this option, one can control what the plugin should if it encounters such a call, whether they should be flagged or not.


Resources, like embedded images or text files, are important to most applications. In the case of JVx they mostly consist of images which are used to enhance the UI and are loaded through the UIImage facility.

Compile time checks

The paths of resources are checked during compilation for their existence.

The source of the workscreen showing a misspelled resource name.

Hover tips

When hovering over the path of a resource, a hover tip is provided which shows a preview of the image that is being referenced.

The hover tip of a resource showing a preview of the image.

Code completion

The paths of resources are also offered in the code completion dialog, complete with a preview of the image.

The code completion of Eclipse showing the available resources


EPlug offers an additional plugin which provides various utility methods regarding comments.

Code completion

Code completion for the current class is offered while writing a comment, this includes the class name and all function names.

The code completion of Eclipse showing the class name and all functions inside a comment.


It is also possible to automatically insert the separators which are used to structure classes.

The code completion of Eclipse showing the default separators.

Additional build options

There are additional build options available in the project preferences.

The project build properties of EPlug.

Mixed use of client/server classes

Allows to check whether client classes are used on the server or the other way round.

In most deployment environments the client would have no access to the server classes, and vice versa the server would not have access to the client classes. As both sources are included in the development classpath, a mixup of the two can happen easily. This option provides means to make sure that this does not happen, or at least can be spotted before deployment.

Check complement files during build

Allows to enable that complement files are also checked during the build.

See Go To Complement Class for more information.

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