
Trace: Dark mode


Our application already supports dark mode. We try to prepare all application colors for the dark mode, but sometimes the defaults are not nice. In this case, it's possible to change application colors on your own.

Currently there are some specific application colors:

IColor.CONTROL_MANDATORY_BACKGROUND = #D13333 = new UIColor(255, 244, 210);
IColor.CONTROL_READ_ONLY_BACKGROUND = #FFF4D2 = new UIColor(239, 239, 239);
IColor.INVALID_EDITOR_BACKGROUND    = #EFEFEF = new UIColor(209, 51, 51);

If you want different color definitions in dark mode, simply set:

UIColor.setSystemColor(IColor.CONTROL_MANDATORY_BACKGROUND + "_dark", new UIColor(128, 128, 128));

in your application class.

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