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visionx:eplug_guide [2020/06/05 17:02]
cduncan [Commands]
visionx:eplug_guide [2020/06/05 17:08]
cduncan [DataBooks]
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 Opens the complement class of the currently open file. Opens the complement class of the currently open file.
-The complement class is the "​counterpart"​ of every class on the client or server. So when invoked on a workscreen (client-side),​ it will open the server-side LCO classand vice versa.+The complement class is the "​counterpart"​ of every class on the client or server. Sowhen invoked on a workscreen (client-side),​ it will open the server-side LCO class and vice versa.
 ==== Go To application.xml ==== ==== Go To application.xml ====
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 The biggest and most important feature of [[https://​​|EPlug]] is the support for DataBooks, both ''​%%RemoteDataBook%%''​s and ''​%%MemDataBook%%''​s to be exact. The biggest and most important feature of [[https://​​|EPlug]] is the support for DataBooks, both ''​%%RemoteDataBook%%''​s and ''​%%MemDataBook%%''​s to be exact.
-Because DataBooks ​are using ''​%%String%%''​s to identify columns (instead of properties or Enums), it cannot be covered by the default functionality of Eclipse and the Java compiler. [[https://​​|EPlug]] extends Eclipse with additional functionality to be able to provide various features on and around DataBooks and column names.+Because DataBooks ​use ''​%%String%%''​s to identify columns (instead of properties or Enums), it cannot be covered by the default functionality of Eclipse and the Java compiler. [[https://​​|EPlug]] extends Eclipse with additional functionality to be able to provide various features on and around DataBooks and column names.
-Boththe ''​%%RemoteDataBook%%''​ and the ''​%%MemDataBook%%''​ are supported out of the box. In the case of a ''​%%MemDataBook%%'',​ the metadata is not requested from the data source (because there is none), but the metadata is directly extracted from the code itself.+Both the ''​%%RemoteDataBook%%''​ and the ''​%%MemDataBook%%''​ are supported out of the box. In the case of a ''​%%MemDataBook%%'',​ the metadata is not requested from the data source (because there is none), but the metadata is directly extracted from the code itself.
 ==== Compile time checks ==== ==== Compile time checks ====
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