Trace: • Programmatically fetch
If you use a work-screen for accessing your data, but the screen is completely customized (react code) you'll have a problem with record count. The number of initially loaded records is limited to 100 (set via startup request). If you open a custom screen, it only receives max. 100 records. This is not a problem if you use data components like table/grid or charts, because all standard components support lazy-loading of records.
If you have a custom screen, you have to do it on your own. The documentation contains detailed information.
Here's an example:
import React, { FC, useEffect } from "react"; import { REQUEST_KEYWORDS, ScreenWrapper, createFetchRequest, useAPI } from "@sibvisions/reactui"; const ScreenWrapperContacts:FC<any> = (props) => { const api = useAPI(); // use api to send a request to the server // useEffect with empty dependency array to only call it once on mount! useEffect(() => { const fetchReq = createFetchRequest(); fetchReq.dataProvider = "JVxMobileDemo/Con-CG/contacts#4"; // the name of your dataprovider fetchReq.rowCount = -1; // -1 to receive all data api.sendRequest(fetchReq, REQUEST_KEYWORDS.FETCH); }, []); return ( <ScreenWrapper onOpen={onOpen}> {workScreen => <> {workScreen} </> } </ScreenWrapper> ) } export default ScreenWrapperContacts
In above example, we use the the Contacts screen of our demo project. The dataprovider name is JVxMobileDemo/Con-CG/contacts#4.