Trace: • Using Table Functions
Table or pipelined functions are a cool thing. Use them to dynamically create records directly – without a physical table – in the database with all available database features. Not all database systems support table functions but Oracle and PostgreSql do. Here's an example for a table function with Oracle.
First, we need the table function:
-- the type DROP TYPE type_testtable; DROP TYPE type_testrow; CREATE TYPE type_testrow AS OBJECT ( id NUMBER, description VARCHAR2(50) ); / CREATE TYPE test_testtable IS TABLE OF type_testrow; / -- the table function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_tablefunction(pRowCount IN NUMBER) RETURN type_testtable AS result type_testtable := type_testtable(); BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. pRowCount LOOP result.extend; result(result.LAST) := type_testrow(i, 'Description for record ' || i); END LOOP; RETURN result; END; /
To use the table function with a DBStorage, try following:
DBStorage dbs = new DBStorage(); dbs.setDBAccess(dba); dbs.setFromClause("TABLE(get_tablefunction(:COUNT))");; DirectObjectConnection con = new DirectObjectConnection(); con.put("dbs", dbs); MasterConnection macon = new MasterConnection(con);; RemoteDataSource rds = new RemoteDataSource(macon);; RemoteDataBook rdb = new RemoteDataBook(); rdb.setDataSource(rds); rdb.setName("dbs"); rdb.setFilter(new Equals("COUNT", BigDecimal.valueOf(20)));; rdb.fetchAll();