
Trace: Panel styles


Panel styles

If you create custom components it's often the case that your custom component extends a Panel (container) and you add sub components. If you want to show a border around your Panel, it's tricky if you want the same border as usual in the flutter app. The color is specific and also the border radius.

If you want to set the standard border, just use the following in your application:

Style.addStyleNames(panel, "f_standard_border");

Next, if your component should look like an editor, you need the same background color. It's possible to set a fixed color, but this color won't look nice in other technologies? To be technology independent, simply use another style:

Style.addStyleNames(panel, "f_default_editorbackground");

There's another style for panels:

Style.addStyleNames(panel, "f_no_scaling");

This is a very special stlye, because it disables device scaling for the panel. If you don't use Pixel scaling for your application, this style will be ignored. If you use Pixel scaling the style can be use to turn off scaling for a specific Panel.

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