
Trace: Editor icons


Editor icons

An editor may have different default icons like a small x for deleting the content. Dependent of the datatype, a small date icon or a small down arrow will be shown. The date icon means that the content is a date. The small down arrow means that the value can be choosen from a list of values.

Some examples:

But sometimes the UI design is better with more than this default icons. We support icons before and after the text, like this one:

We support many icons. For a complete list see our icon mappings.

To apply an icon set a style and use following syntax: f_icon_{prefix/suffix}_[FontAwesome.]{iconName}[_#ColorInHex][_#OptionalColorForDarkMode]

{} ⇒ required
[] ⇒ optional, can be cut out

In our example, we set:

editor.setStyle(new Style("f_icon_prefix_search"));

More details can be found here.

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