

Modern web application

This is an old revision of the document!

Version: 5.0 / 2018-03-29


The objective of this tutorial is the creation of a modern web application with VisionX. It is assumed that a VisionX Project is already available.

Creating a Work Screen

First we need to create a WorkScreen in VisionX. Press the “New Screen” Button (1) fill in a Name and click “Next” (2).

Creating a workscreen

In the following wizard select “Empty application screen” and press “Finish” to create an empty Screen.

Selecting an empty layout

Changing the Layout

For our modern web application we use a so called “Editing Panel” to edit customer data.

In the “Elements” area pick up an “Editing Panel” (1) and drag it (2) into the Center of our newly created Screen.

Adding an Editing Panel

For our next step we need a table to store our customer data in. For this purpose click the green plus in the bottom of your VisionX-Designer under the label “NEW Table” (1). For this tutorial let's assume we already have a customer table available in our database. In the “Datasource Wizard” we therefore select the “Use existing data from database tables” option (2). Press next (3) to continue.

Creating a table from an existing table

The customer table is available in the applications database so we select the “Use Application Database User” option for the connection.

Use the applications database user

In the third step we select the company table in the table dropdown and finish the creation of the table with “Finish”.

Select the database table

Having created the table we can now start with the layout of our screen. In this step we add the table (1) to our panel. Furthermore we are adding a search bar (2) and an insert button from the “Web Elements” (3) to create a new customer.

Layouting our table

This is how our Screen should look in the Designer by now:

The finished layout

With this being done we can now look what our application looks like via the VisionX Live Preview:

The finished layout

After this our layout for the master screen is done.

Now we can start creating the form to manage the customer data. For this we select the “Form” tab in our Editing Panel. Next we need to add a panel in the center of this tab. From the lower part of the Designer we can now select our unused editors (1) and drag them into our panel. After our editors are set in place we add some labels (2) and a panel with the three “Web Element” (3) buttons “Save”, “Delete” and “Cancel” on the bottom.

Starting on our form layout

Once again this is how it should look in the Designer now:

The finished layout

After having set everything in place this is how our form is looking in the Live Preview:

Starting on our form layout

To give our application a nice and modern look we are going to change the design in VisionX. For this we select the Dropdown next to “Settings” in the right VisionX Toolbar and press “Web” (1).

Opening the Web Settings

In the following wizard change the “Display mode” to “Corporation”.

Change Web Design

This is how our Screen looks with the Corporation mode now:

Change Web Design

Adding some Functionality

Now that we have the layouts done we can start to implement some functionality for our application. Most of this is done implicitly by the “Web Elements” buttons we added.

The “New” button adds a new Customer and selects the “Form” tab to edit it.

The “Save” button saves the currently selected Customer and selects the “Table” tab.

The “Delete” button deletes the currently selected Customer and selects the “Table” tab.

The “Cancel” button reverts the changes done to the currently selected Customer and selects the “Table” tab.

What we are going to need to do is to remove the navigation of the Editing Panel and set the Display Mode to “Inline”. For this we have to select the Editing Panel and click on the edit icon (1). In the menu we deselect “Show Navigation” (2) and change the “Display Mode” to “Inline” and “Navigation Mode” to “Single Click”(3).

Removing the Editing Panel navigation

Giving the application the last touch

To give our modern web application the last touch we are going to have to make some changes in the source code itself. For this are going to make the table readonly. Most web applications don't show the selected row in a table so we are going to disable that as well.

//disable selection, set table readonly

We are also going to add a menu button next to the “New” button which lets us delete a row and export the table. For this we grab the “Menu Button” from the “Web Elements” and position where we want it to be.

To change up the design a bit we are going to add edit the stylesheet of this application in order to style the title of our form. For this we once again open the “Web”-Settings in VisionX like we did when changing the “Display mode”. In the following Wizard we select the “Style” Tab and set the font-size to 20px and the font to OpenSans.

    font-family: OpenSans;
    font-size: 20px;

Chainging the stylesheet

To set the style we have to edit the label (1) which is once again done by pressing the edit button. Set the style to “company-edit” (2) and we are done.

Setting the style

The finished application

With this done this let's look how our application is looking in a web environment. For this we once again use the “Preview” Button in VisionX. This will start a browser window which shows our finished application:

The master screen

The form screen

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