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visionx:faq_tech [2021/06/30 11:04]
visionx:faq_tech [2021/09/03 07:13]
Line 44: Line 44:
 [[visionx:​data_modeling_and_representation#​views_and_storages|Views and Storages]] \\  [[visionx:​data_modeling_and_representation#​views_and_storages|Views and Storages]] \\ 
 [[visionx:​data_modeling_and_representation#​create_dropdown_without_foreign-key_relation|Create Dropdown Without Foreign-Key Relation]] [[visionx:​data_modeling_and_representation#​create_dropdown_without_foreign-key_relation|Create Dropdown Without Foreign-Key Relation]]
 +==== Out of memory in VisionX ====
 +If you get an **Out of memory** or a **Java heap space** error, simply increase the memory of VisionX in visionx.bat or
 +.\runtime\bin\java -Xmx512M ... -jar lib\visionxloader.jar
 +Change **512M** to e.g. **1G** or **1500M**. Don't forget to restart VisionX.
 +==== Additional JVM start parameters ====
 +On Windows, VisionX is usually started with visionx.exe. To define additional JVM parameters, however, visionx.bat or must be used, as any JVM parameters can be set with it, e.g .:
 +.\runtime\bin\java -Xmx512M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ... -jar lib\visionxloader.jar
 +In this example, the system parameter **file.encoding** was set to **UTF-8**.
 +However, it is entirely possible to set any JVM parameters when using visionx.exe. Since VisionX uses the open source project launch4j, all features of the library can be used, such as the possibility of entering the JVM parameters in an ini file:
 +All you have to do is create a file called **visionx.l4j.ini** in the same directory as visionx.exe. The file can then be filled with the desired parameters:
 +<code ini>
 +==== How to start VisionX with de_CH language settings ====
 +Simply change the start script (visionx.bat,​ and add your language settings:
 +<​code>​ -Duser.language=de_CH;​-Duser.language=de_CH
 +Full script:
 +<file dos visionx_de_CH.bat>​
 +.\runtime\bin\java -Duser.language=de_CH;​-Duser.language=de_CH -Xmx512M --add-opens=java.base/​jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/​java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/​java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.rmi/​sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED -jar lib\visionxloader.jar
 +If you use Windows and start VisionX with visionx.exe,​ it's also possible to create a file with the name visionx.l4j.ini:​
 +<file ini visionx.l4j.ini>​
 +==== WAR creation shows compiler errors! ====
 +Usually such problems occur if you do manual coding with an IDE. To find out what's the compiler error, simply enable logging and add the line 
 +  com.sibvisions.visionx.server.ant.AntRunner.level = ALL
 +  ​
 +to the file **''<​visionx>/​lib/​''​**. Read more information about [[visionx:​visionx_logging|VisionX logging]].
 +Another option is to start the war creation manually with included ANT build file: **build.xml**.
 +The ''​start.complete''​ task will create the war file
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