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visionx:actions [2018/02/06 14:14]
visionx:actions [2022/09/15 19:23]
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 ~~Title: VisionX Actions~~ ~~Title: VisionX Actions~~
 +Version: 1.0 / 2022-09-15
 +====== Introduction ======
 +This chapter is about adding functionality and features to a screen.
 +For example, open a document on button click, calculate values after user input or log user changes, like when and who edited the record the last time. Of course, there are many more actions which we will look at in detail below.
 +VisionX allows this very easily via events and actions.
 +The chapter is divided into the following sections:
 +  * Basics
 +  * Events
 +  * Actions
 +  * Formulas
 +  * Parameter
 +  * List of events
 +  * List of actions
 +  * List of conditions
 +  * List of formulas
 +Let's start with the basics.
 +====== Basics ======
 +Events define when something happens and actions what happens.
 +In the previously mentioned examples events are click on a button ('​create action'​),​ user input ('row value changed'​) or data change ('​after updating row').
 +The equivalent actions are open a document ('show file'​),​ calculate values ('​calculate value'​) and update modified values ('set value'​).
 +===== Events =====
 +Let's have a closer lock on events. In order to add an action you must first think of the event which will trigger the action.
 +Screens, Tabsets, Editing Panels, Tables, Input Fields, Buttons and Hyperlinks have a lot of different events. A List of all these events and their description is provided below (see [[#​list_of_events|List of events]]).
 +==== Create / edit event ====
 +If you open the customizer with a right click on an element, a list of all possible events is displayed.
 +After selecting the desired event, the action wizard will be opened.
 +For example, if you want to show an uploaded image on button click you have to open the customizer with a right click on the button (1).
 +At the bottom of the customizer a list of all possible events is displayed (2).
 +If you click on one of the events, the edit action wizard is opened.
 +===== Actions =====
 +In the edit action wizard, you have 3 different tabs.
 +In the first tab **'​Description'​** (1) you can describe the functionality of the element.
 +This description will be added in the documentation (Help or Specification) which can be generated in VisionX.
 +The description will also be used as documentation directly in the generated source code.
 +The second tab **'​Action'​** (2) offers the possibility to create or edit the actions.
 +When you are an advanced user, it is possible to edit the source code directly. This can be done in the tab **'​Source Code'​** (3). The changes must be validated too.
 +For each action an example of the generated java code is provided, which can also be inserted or edited directly in the source code tab.
 +==== Tab Action ====
 +In this tab you can configure the actions.
 +The action and the needed parameters are called **'​Command'​** (1).
 +For example 'show file' with the parameters '​Filename'​ and '​Content'​ is a command.
 +A command is one of 3 possible statements (2).
 +The statements are **'​Command'​**,​ **'​Condition'​** and **'​Repeat'​**.
 +Statements can be selected and combined as often as desired.
 +The configured statements can be checked using '​Validate'​. (3) The wizard remains open and changes can still be made.
 +With '​Finish'​ (4) the generated code is also checked, applied and the wizard is closed.
 +'​Cancel'​ (4) discards all changes and closes the wizard.
 +==== Create Statements ====
 +It is possible to add more than one statements to an event.
 +To add another statement it must be dragged from the statement block and dropped into the existing list of statements in the appropriate order.
 +Therefore, you can select and drag the statement out from the right box (1) into the list of actions.
 +The black line indicates where the statement will be placed (2).
 +==== Sort Statements ====
 +It is also possible to change the order of the statements.
 +To do this, move the mouse pointer to the left over the statement and start the move mode as already described for adding a new statement.
 +==== Delete Statements ====
 +A statement can be deleted using the red cross to the right of the statement.
 +It's also possible to delete all statements of an event. Therefore you must click the red cross next to the event.
 +==== Command ====
 +By default, an empty command is added in the wizard and you can select the appropriate action.
 +Let's look at our example 'show file'.
 +The action 'show file' for example, opens the selected file stored in a data table.
 +This action needs two parameters which you need to select from the corresponding table. The first one is the filename and the second the file itself.
 +==== Condition ====
 +Now let's look at conditions. With conditions it's possible to perform an action only if a certain condition is met.
 +Therefore, you must drag a condition out of the right statement box (1).
 +Now you can define the condition when the action has to be performed.
 +For example, if a file was uploaded (2) no action is performed, if a file was uploaded the file is displayed (3).
 +==== Repeat ====
 +It's also possible to perform an action for each row in a table.
 +Therefore, you must drag a repeat statement out of the statement box on the right side (1).
 +Now you can decide for which table the action should be performed (2).
 +In this example an email is sent to each contact stored in the table (3).
 +==== Validate, Finish and Cancel ====
 +After an event has been configured, it still needs to be validated.
 +The configured statements can be validated using '​Validate'​. (1) The wizard remains open and changes can still be made.
 +With '​Finish'​ (2) the generated code is also validated, but applied and the wizard is closed.
 +'​Cancel'​ (2) discards all changes and closes the wizard.
 +==== Search for actions ====
 +There are two possible ways to search for actions.
 +The first option is to open the drop down box in the action wizard and enter a search term.
 +For example, if you search for '​value'​ only actions with the term '​value'​ are displayed.
 +The second possibility is to open the search wizard (1) with the button '​...'​ (2) next to the dropdwonbox.
 +You can either search for a term (1) or filter all actions by category (2). It's also possible to combine both.
 +If an action is selected all required parameters and a short description are displayed below.
 +==== Create, Edit or Delete ====
 +In the customizer you can see if actions are configured and it's possible to delete or edit them.
 +Events with attached actions are now renamed to 'edit …' (1) on click the action wizard is opened and shows the actions.
 +With the red cross next to the event you can delete all defined statements (2).
 +Events with no action are still named '​create….'​ (3).
 +===== Formulas =====
 +A number of actions can include the use of formulas.
 +These actions can be recognized by the fact that the parameter input field is marked with "​Formula",​ which are:
 +  * [[#​calculate_value|Calculate value]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_currency|Set label with calculated currency]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date|Set label with calculated date]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_short|Set label with calculated date short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time|Set label with calculated date time]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time_short|Set label with calculated date time short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_time|Set label with calculated time]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_value|Set label with calculated value]]
 +  * [[#​set_parameter_with_calculated_value|Set Parameter with calculated value]]
 +There are lots of arithmetic operations, group functions, date calculation and text operations available.
 +A forumla is directly written in the formula field of an action.
 +For a list of possible formulas see [[#​list_of_formulas|List of formulas]]
 +===== Parameters =====
 +Parameters can be used to temporarily store values and reuse them within the screen or pass parameters to a screen.
 +When the screen is closed, the parameter and the corresponding value are no longer available.
 +There are the following actions to set or calculate parameters:
 +  * [[#​set_parameter|Set Parameter]]
 +  * [[#​set_parameter_with_calculated_value|Set Parameter with calculated value]]
 +  * [[#​set_parameter_with_concatenated_text|Set Parameter with concatenated text]]
 +====== List of events ======
 +===== Screen =====
 +==== On Load ====
 +This event is triggered if the screen is initialized. As long as the screen is not closed and reopened this event will not be executed again.
 +In this event everything should be implemented that influences the screen directly. For example, hide elements due to roles, control access to tables (edit, update, delete), set filters...
 +==== On Active ====
 +This event is triggered each time the screen gets active.
 +For example, if you open the screen or activate the screen through an action from another screen or through a menu.
 +For example, if ID parameters are passed to the screen, they will be used in this action.
 +==== On Close ====
 +This event is triggered short before the screen is closed.
 +With this event it is possible to prevent the closing throug an exception.
 +===== Tabset / Editing Panel =====
 +==== Tab Activated ====
 +If a tab of a tabset is activated this event is triggered.
 +===== Table / Input Fields =====
 +==== Row Value Changed ====
 +Every time a value of the selected table is changed, this event is triggered. The event is triggered when the input field is deselected.
 +Hint: With this action you can create a log that saves any user changes. For more information see
 +It is good practice to add changed_on, created_on table columns for all relevant tables.
 +==== Before Row Selected ====
 +Is triggered before a row in a table is selected.
 +==== After Row Selected ====
 +Is triggered after a row in a table was selected.
 +==== Before Inserting Row ====
 +Is triggered before the data row is inserted in the memory.
 +==== After Inserting Row ====
 +Is triggered after the data row is inserted in the memory.
 +==== Before Inserted Row ====
 +Is triggered before the data row is inserted in the database.
 +==== After Inserted Row ====
 +Is triggered after the data row is inserted in the database.
 +==== Before updating Row ====
 +Is triggered before the data row is updated in the memory.
 +==== After Updating Row ====
 +Is triggered after the data row is updated in the memory.
 +==== Before Updated Row ====
 +Is triggered before the data row is updated in the database.
 +==== After Updated Row ====
 +Is triggered after the data row is inserted in the database.
 +==== Before Deleting Row ====
 +Is triggered before the data row is deleted from the memory.
 +==== After Deleting Row ====
 +Is triggered after the data row is deleted from the memory.
 +==== Before Deleted Row ====
 +Is triggered before the data row is deleted from the database.
 +==== After Deleted Row ====
 +Is triggered after the data row is deleted from the database.
 +==== Before Restore Row ====
 +If the action Restore selected record is executed, this event is triggered before restoring the row.
 +The data is taken from the memory and no database query is performed.
 +==== After Restore Row ====
 +If the action Restore selected record is executed, this event is triggered before restoring the row.
 +The data is taken from the memory and no database query is performed.
 +==== Before Reload Row ====
 +If any reload action is executed, this event is triggered before reloading the selected row.
 +The data is fetched from the database.
 +==== After Reload Row ====
 +If any reload action is executed, this event is triggered after reloading the selected row.
 +The data is fetched from the database.
 +===== Button / Hyperlink =====
 +==== Create Action ====
 +This event is triggered every time the button / hyperlink is clicked.
 +===== Validator =====
 +==== Create Validation ====
 +This event is triggered every time the validator is used.
 +====== List of actions ======
 +===== Application =====
 +==== Logout ====
 +The current user is logged out.
 +<code java>
 +==== Reload all screens ====
 +Discards all unsaved changes and reloads all screens.
 +<code java>
 +==== Show error message ====
 +Shows a message in an error dialogue.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                                       ^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Message** ​ |Error message with reference to all databook columns and parameters of the screen ​ |**[Contacts.Lastname] is missing!** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +showError(this,​Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​)) + " is missing!"​);​
 +==== Show information message ====
 +Shows a message in an information dialogue.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                                             ^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Message** ​ |Information message with reference to all databook columns and parameters of the screen ​ |**[Contacts.Lastname] is missing!** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +showInformation(this,​Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​)) + " is missing!"​);​
 +==== Silent abort ====
 +Cancels current execution without showing a message.
 +<code java>
 +throw new SilentAbortException();​
 +===== Data management =====
 +==== Ask before delete ====
 +Shows an 'are you sure...'​ question before deleting a record within the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​ |Table name   ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Assign column name ====
 +Assigns the column name where data should be stored.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​            ​^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Element** ​ |the element ​            ​|**[Editor:​ Contacts.Street]** ​ |
 +|**Name** ​    |the name of the column ​ |**[Street]** ​                  |
 +<code java>
 +==== Assign table ====
 +Assigns the table which should be used for displaying data. If a table has been dragged into a screen, it can be replaced by another table.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                             ^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Element** ​ |the table view which should be replaced ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Name** ​    |the new assigned table                   ​|**[Table:​ Professions]** ​  |
 +<code java>
 +==== Assign table for editor ====
 +Assigns the table which should be used for displaying data of an editor .
 +Hint: For example, a search field can be assigned to another table that will be searched.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​               ^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Editor** ​ |editor, search, validator ​ |**[Search: Customers.*]** ​ |
 +|**Table** ​  |the table                  |**[Table: Contacts]** ​     |
 +<code java>
 +==== Calculate value ====
 +Calculates a value based on dynamic or fixed data and sets the result into a column (see [[#​list_of_formulas|List of Formulas]]. The value can be calculated with any values from other tables, with parameters or specific texts.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                          ​^Example ​                                  ^
 +|**Write to**  |the column where the value is stored ​ |**[]** ​                     |
 +|**Formula** ​  |the calculation ​                      ​|**[Products.price]*[Products.quantity]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Calc.set(new Var(rdbProducts,"​TOTAL"​),​Calc.val(new Var(rdbProducts,"​PRICE"​)) * Calc.val(new Var(rdbProducts,"​QUANTITY"​)));​
 +==== Create unique identifier ====
 +Creates a unique identifier and sets the value into a selected column.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                          ​^Example ​                    ^
 +|**Write to**  |the column where the value is stored ​ |**[Products.product key]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +DataBookUtil.createUniqueIdentifier(new Var(rdbProducts,"​PRODUCT_KEY"​));​
 +==== Delete all records ====
 +Deletes all records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Delete record ====
 +Deletes the selected/​current record in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Deselect ====
 +In the selected table no row is selected, when a row is selected, it is deselected.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable Delete cascade ====
 +Disables automatic deletion of sub records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable Delete in table ====
 +Disables deletion of records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable Edit in table ====
 +Disables editing of records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable Insert in table ====
 +Disables creating of records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable data manipulation in table ====
 +Disables all manipulation (insert, edit, delete) of records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable fetching data ====
 +Disables fetching data from server (no database query is performed).
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable record lock ====
 +Disables record lock an reload of current record before start editing.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable search in memory ====
 +Disables search in memory, the data is fetched form the server (a database query is performed).
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable sort in memory ====
 +Disables sort in memory, the data is fetched form the server (a database query is performed).
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable store on server ====
 +Disables sending changed records to the database.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Duplicate selected record ====
 +Duplicates the selected record.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Hint: The old record remains selected.
 +==== Enable Delete cascade ====
 +Enables automatic deletion of sub records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable Delete in table ====
 +Enables deletion of records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable Edit in table ====
 +Enables editing of records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable Insert in table ====
 +Enables creating of records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable data manipulation in table ====
 +Enables all manipulation (insert, edit, delete) of records in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable fetching data ====
 +Enables fetching data from server (database query is performed).
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable record lock ====
 +Enables record lock an reload of current record before start editing.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable search in memory ====
 +Enables search in memory, the data is not fetched form the server (no database query is performed).
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable sort in memory ====
 +Enables sort in memory, the data is not fetched from the server (a database query is performed).
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable store on server ====
 +Enables sending changed records to the database.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Products]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Fetch all ====
 +Loads all available records of the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Hint: This command is used to ensure that all rows of a table/view are loaded and displayed (e.g., to search for specific entries)
 +==== Insert record after ====
 +Inserts a new record in the selected table after the currently selected record.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Insert record before ====
 +Inserts a new record in the selected table before the currently selected record.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +  rdbContacts.insert(true);​
 +==== Insert sub record ====
 +If the data element tree is added to the screen it is possible to create a sub record at the current position in the tree.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​  ​^Example ​                                    ^
 +|**Tree** ​  |tree element ​ |**[Tree: Customers|Orders|Order Details]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +  tree1.doInsertSub();​
 +==== Make value unique ====
 +Makes a value unique.
 +It is checked whether this value already exists in the table column. If yes, then the value is extended by a numbering. For example, if the value '​XXX'​ is entered but already exists, the value is changed to 'XXX - 2'.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​                    ^
 +|**Column** ​ |the value    |**[Products.product key]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +DataBookUtil.makeValueUnique(new Var(rdbProducts,"​PRODUCT_KEY"​));​
 +==== Reload table ====
 +Discards all unsaved changes and reloads all records of the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Hint: This action can be used to query changes from other users or made in other screens and update the opened screen.
 +==== Restore selected record ====
 +This action can be used to restore the original selection in a table after a number of operations. The selected row must be stored before.
 +Hint: This action works only within the same action as 'Store selected record'​.
 +For example: - store selected record - loop through all records of the table - restore selected record
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Save table ====
 +Saves all changes in the selected Table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Hint: This action can be used to save changes using a "​Save"​ button.
 +==== Search by key ====
 +The filter works like [[*search-by-value|Search by value]], but in case of a drop down in search mode "​equals",​ you don't search by the displayed value (e.g. "​Mr."​) but by the id (e.g. 1).
 +This can improve the performance in some cases.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​        ​^Example ​                  ^
 +|**Element** ​ |the search element ​ |**[Search: Contacts.*]** ​ |
 +|**Value** ​   |the value           ​|**[Table:​Contacts]** ​     |
 +<code java>
 +==== Search by value ====
 +Sets the value of a search element.
 +It's possible to set a value or use column values, element values, parameters or combine all of them.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​        ​^Example ​                                      ^
 +|**Element** ​ |the search element ​ |**[Search: Contacts.*]** ​                     |
 +|**Value** ​   |the value           ​|**[Contacts.Firstname] [Contacts.Lastname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +filterContacts.setDisplayValue(Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​)) + " " + Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​)));​
 +==== Select first record ====
 +Selects the first record of the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table: Customers]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Select last inserted record ====
 +Selects the last inserted record in the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table: Customers]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Select last record ====
 +Selects the last record of the selected table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table: Customers]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Select next record ====
 +Selects the next record of the selected table. The cycle option enables you to jump from the last to the first record.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​             ^Example ​                ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table                |**[Table: Customers]** ​ |
 +|**Cycle** ​ |jump from last to first  |**Yes** ​                |
 +<code java>
 +==== Select previous record ====
 +Selects the previous record of the selected table. The cycle option enables you to jump from the first to the last record.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​             ^Example ​                ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table                |**[Table: Customers]** ​ |
 +|**Cycle** ​ |jump from first to last  |**Yes** ​                |
 +<code java>
 +==== Select record having value ====
 +Selects the first record that contains the specific value.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​                      ^
 +|**Column** ​ |the table         ​|**[ name]** ​ |
 +|**Value** ​  |the search value  |**XYZ** ​                      |
 +<code java>
 +DataBookUtil.selectRowHavingValue(new Var(rdbCustomers,"​COMPANY_NAME"​),"​XYZ"​);​
 +==== Set ascending sort ====
 +Sorts the selected table ascending by the given column.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  ​|tables ​      ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |columns ​     |**[Lastname]** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +rdbContacts.setSort(new SortDefinition(true,"​LASTNAME"​));​
 +==== Set column default value ====
 +If a new table row with filled default values is added.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table                                                          |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​                                                        ​|**[Salutation]** ​      |
 +|**Value** ​  ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**Mrs.** ​              |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set column editable ====
 +The selected column of the table is set editable.
 +Hint: This action sets both the column in the table as well as the associated editor editable!
 +If the column should not be editable you have to use the action 'Set column readonly'​.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​                  ^
 +|**Column** ​ |Column ​      ​|**[Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +DataBookUtil.setColumnEditable(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​));​
 +==== Set column label ====
 +Changes the header label of a table column.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table                                                          |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​                                                        ​|**[Salutation]** ​      |
 +|**Label** ​  ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**Salutation** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set column mandatory ====
 +Sets a column of a table mandatory.
 +Hint: This action sets both the column in the table as well as the associated editor mandatory!
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table    |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​  ​|**[Salutation]** ​      |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set column not mandatory ====
 +Sets a column of a table not mandatory.
 +Hint: This action sets both the column in the table as well as the associated editor not mandatory!
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table    |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​  ​|**[Lastname]** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set column not searchabel ====
 +A selected column is excluded from the search.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table    |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​  ​|**[Lastname]** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set column not sortable ====
 +It is no longer possible to sort the selected column in the header.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table    |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​  ​|**[Lastname]** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set column readonly ====
 +Sets a selected column readonly.
 +Hint: This action sets both the column in the table as well as the associated editor readonly!
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​  ​|**[Contacts.Email]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +DataBookUtil.setColumnReadOnly(new Var(rdbContacts,"​EMAIL"​));​
 +==== Set column searchable ====
 +A selected column is included in the search.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table    |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​  ​|**[Lastname]** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set column sortable ====
 +The selected column can be sorted in the header.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table    |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​  ​|**[Lastname]** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set column width ====
 +Changes the width of a selected table column.
 +Hint: This action works only in the onLoad event of the screen.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​                                         ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table                                            |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |the column ​                                          ​|**[Lastname]** ​        |
 +|**Width** ​  ​|text,​ column value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**200** ​               |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set current date ====
 +The current time and date are written to the selected table column.
 +Hint: This action can be used to pre-fill all date columns with the current date. With this action it's also possible to create a log that shows when a record was added or changed. It is good practice to add changed_on, created_on table columns for all relevant tables!
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​     ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Write to**  |the date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Text.set(new Var(rdbContacts,"​BIRTHDAY"​),​new Date());
 +==== Set current user ====
 +Sets the current username into a selected column
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​     ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Write to**  |the date column ​ |**[Contacts.Username]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Text.set(new Var(rdbContacts,"​BIRTHDAY"​),​new Date());
 +Hint: When you start VisionX you are logged in as VisionX user. With this user no user is set. To change the user there is a button "​Switch User" at the bottom right. Here you can choose if you want to use the VisionX user or one of the actual application users managed in the user management. It's also possible to Logout and Login (Button in the top navigation) as application user.
 +With this action it's also possible to create a log that shows who added or changed a record. It is good practice to add changed_by, created_by table columns for all relevant tables!
 +==== Set descending sort ====
 +Sorts the selected table descending by the given column.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  ​|tables ​      ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |columns ​     |**[Lastname]** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +rdbContacts.setSort(new SortDefinition(false,"​LASTNAME"​));​
 +==== Set label with calculated currency ====
 +Calculates a value based on dynamic or fixed data, rounds the result to 2 decimal places and set it as label.
 +The value can be calculated with any values from other tables, with parameters or specific texts (see [[#​list_of_formulas|List of Formulas]]).
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                    ​^Example ​                                                                          ^
 +|**Label** ​   |the label element (Button, Label, Group Panel) ​ |**[Label: Total]** ​                                                               |
 +|**Formula** ​ |the formula for calculation ​                    ​|**[Order Details.Unit Price]*[Order Details.Quantity]*[Order Details.Dsicount]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Calc.setText(labelTotalPrice,​Calc.val(new Var(rdbOrderdetails,"​UNIT_PRICE"​)) * Calc.val(new Var(rdbOrderdetails,"​QUANTITY"​)) * Calc.val(new Var(rdbOrderdetails,"​DSICOUNT"​)),"#,##​0.00"​);​
 +==== Set label with calculated date ====
 +Calculates a date value and set it as label.
 +The value can be calculated with any date values from other tables or with parameters (see [[#​date_group_functions|Date group functions]]).
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                    ​^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Label** ​   |the label element (Button, Label, Group Panel) ​ |**[Label: Date]** ​                   |
 +|**Formula** ​ |the formula for calculation ​                    ​|**addYears([Contacts.Birthday],​1)** ​ |
 +Example: January 1, 2001
 +<code java>
 +  Calc.setDateText(labelLabel,​Calc.addYears(Calc.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​BIRTHDAY"​)),​1));​
 +==== Set label with calculated date short ====
 +Calculates a date value, formats it as date short and set it as a label.
 +The value can be calculated with any date values from other tables or with parameters (see [[#​date_group_functions|Date group functions]]).
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                    ​^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Label** ​   |the label element (Button, Label, Group Panel) ​ |**[Label: Date]** ​                   |
 +|**Formula** ​ |the formula for calculation ​                    ​|**addYears([Contacts.Birthday],​1)** ​ |
 +Example: 1/1/2001
 +<code java>
 +  Calc.setDateShortText(labelLabel1,​Calc.addYears(Calc.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​BIRTHDAY"​)),​1));​
 +==== Set label with calculated date time ====
 +Calculates a date value, formats it as date and time and set it as a label.
 +The value can be calculated with any date values from other tables or with parameters (see [[#​date_group_functions|Date group functions]]).
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                    ​^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Label** ​   |the label element (Button, Label, Group Panel) ​ |**[Label: Date]** ​                   |
 +|**Formula** ​ |the formula for calculation ​                    ​|**addHours([Contacts.Birthday],​5)** ​ |
 +Example: Januara 1, 2000, 6:00 AM
 +<code java>
 +  Calc.setDateTimeText(labelLabel,​Calc.addHours(Calc.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​BIRTHDAY"​)),​5));​
 +==== Set label with calculated date time short ====
 +Calculates a date value, formats it as date time short and set it as a label.
 +The value can be calculated with any date values from other tables or with parameters (see [[#​date_group_functions|Date group functions]]).
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                    ​^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Label** ​   |the label element (Button, Label, Group Panel) ​ |**[Label: Date]** ​                   |
 +|**Formula** ​ |the formula for calculation ​                    ​|**addHours([Contacts.Birthday],​5)** ​ |
 +Example: 1/1/2000, 6:00 AM
 +<code java>
 +  Calc.setDateTimeShortText(labelLabel1,​Calc.addYears(Calc.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​BIRTHDAY"​)),​1));​
 +==== Set label with calculated time ====
 +Calculates a date value, formats it as date and time short and set it as a label.
 +The value can be calculated with any date values from other tables or with parameters (see [[#​date_group_functions|Date group functions]]).
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                    ​^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Label** ​   |the label element (Button, Label, Group Panel) ​ |**[Label: Date]** ​                   |
 +|**Formula** ​ |the formula for calculation ​                    ​|**addHours([Contacts.Birthday],​5)** ​ |
 +Example: 6:00 AM
 +<code java>
 +  Calc.setTimeText(labelLabel,​Calc.addHours(Calc.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​BIRTHDAY"​)),​5));​
 +==== Set label with calculated value ====
 +Calculates a value based on dynamic or fixed data and sets the result as label text. The value can be calculated with any values from other tables, with parameters or specific texts (see [[#​list_of_formulas|List of Formulas]]).
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                    ​^Example ​                                                                          ^
 +|**Label** ​   |the label element (Button, Label, Group Panel) ​ |**[Label: Total]** ​                                                               |
 +|**Formula** ​ |the formula for calculation ​                    ​|**[Order Details.Unit Price]*[Order Details.Quantity]*[Order Details.Dsicount]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Calc.setText(labelTotalPrice,​Calc.val(new Var(rdbOrderdetails,"​UNIT_PRICE"​)) * Calc.val(new Var(rdbOrderdetails,"​QUANTITY"​)) * Calc.val(new Var(rdbOrderdetails,"​DSICOUNT"​)),​null);​
 +==== Set read ahead count ====
 +Sets the number of records which will be loaded initially.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  |the table    |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Amount** ​ |the amount ​  ​|10 ​                    |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set search current user ====
 +Sets the current username as the value of a search element.
 +This action can be used to restrict access to information according to user roles. For example: * Administrator is able to see everything, no filter * Staff member can only see their own datasets, filtered by username
 +Hint: When you start VisionX you are logged in as VisionX user. With this user no filter is set. To change the user there is a button "​Switch User" at the bottom right. Here you can choose if you want to use the VisionX user or one of the actual application users managed in the user management. It's also possible to Logout and Login (Button in the top navigation) as application user.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​        ​^Example ​                  ^
 +|**Element** ​ |the search element ​ |**[Search: Contacts.*]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set selected column ====
 +Sets the current/​selected column.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​  ​|tables ​      ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |columns ​     |**[Lastname]** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set selected row ====
 +Sets the current/​selected row number.
 +^Parameter ​      ​^Description ​         ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​      |the table element ​   |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Row number** ​ |number or parameter ​ |**2** ​                 |
 +<code java>
 +Hint: The row numbers start at 0 and not at 1. For example, the row numbered 2 is the 3rd row in the table.
 +==== Set value ====
 +Sets a value into a column. The value can be any text, value from another table or a parameter.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                   ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Write to**  |the column ​                    ​|**[Contacts.Email]** ​  |
 +|**Value** ​    ​|text,​ column value, parameter ​ |**[]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +DataBookUtil.set(new Var(rdbContacts,"​EMAIL"​),​rdbCustomers.getValue("​EMAIL"​));​
 +Hint: This command can be used to copy values (text, date, numerical) from one table column to another. E.g.: [Contacts.Email] = []. As a result, the email of the customers table is copied to the email of the contacts table.
 +==== Set value with concatenated text ====
 +Sets a concatenated text into a column. The text can contain values from other tables, from parameters and any texts.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​ ^Example ​                                       ^
 +|**Write to**  |the column ​  ​|**[]** ​                          |
 +|**Text** ​     |the text     ​|**[Contacts.Lastname],​ [Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Text.set(new Var(rdbCustomers,"​NAME"​),​Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​)) + ", " + Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​)));​
 +Hint: This command can be used to populate text columns with fixed text or values from other columns. In the example below, the value from "​Lastname",​ the fixed text ", " (comma + space) and the value from "​Firstname"​ is written to the column "​Name":​ "Doe, John".
 +==== Store selected record ====
 +Stores the currently selected row in the selected table, to enable selection of that row at a later time.
 +Hint: You can restore a stored selected record only within the same action.
 +For example: - store selected record - loop through all records of the table - restore selected record
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Table** ​ |the table    |**[Table:​Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +===== Debug =====
 +==== Debug log ====
 +Logs a debug message. The message can be a text, column value, a filter value, a parameter or a combination of all.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Message** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**[Contacts.Email]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Error log ====
 +Logs an error message. The message can be a column value, a filter value or a parameter.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Message** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**[Contacts.Email]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Info log ====
 +Logs an info message. The message can be a column value, a filter value or a parameter.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Message** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**[Contacts.Email]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Print to console ====
 +Prints a message to the console.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Text** ​  ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**[Contacts.Email]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +===== Documents =====
 +==== Download file ====
 +Downloads the selected file. The file can be saved to a local hard drive and then opened.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Filename** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.Filename]** ​ |
 +|**Content** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.Image]** ​    |
 +<code java>
 +==== Download report ====
 +Downloads the selected, previously created, report. The report can be saved on a local hard drive and then opened.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​               ^Example ​                  ^
 +|**Report** ​ |previously created report ​ |**List Report Contacts** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Import report (insert) / (merge) ====
 +Imports the selected report. All of the report'​s data is imported to the relevant rows and fields of the screen. If **Merge** is selected, only changed, deleted or new data is imported. Data that already exists is not added. If **Insert** is used, all data rows, including existing rows (tested for similarity) are transferred.
 +This functionality is only available for XLSX (Excel) and XML reports that were created with VisionX. Of course, the report templates can be edited. This is command is used to import offline forms into the application.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                           ^Example ​                         ^
 +|**Template** ​ |previously created xlsx or xml report ​ |**List Report Contacts (xlsx)** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Remove file ====
 +Removes a file or report from the selected record. The columns in which the filename and the content was stored must be specified.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​  ​^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Filename** ​ |column value  |**[Contacts.Filename]** ​ |
 +|**Content** ​  ​|column value  |**[Contacts.Image]** ​    |
 +<code java>
 +ProjXUtil.deleteFile(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FILENAME"​),​new Var(rdbContacts,"​IMAGE"​));​
 +==== Save report ====
 +Saves the specified report in a table. The save location is defined via two parameters: The report'​s file name is saved in a text column of the table; the file itself is saved in the current record of a table column of the type Image or File.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​               ^Example ​                  ^
 +|**Filename** ​ |column ​                    ​|**[Contacts.Filename]** ​  |
 +|**Content** ​  ​|column ​                    ​|**[Contacts.Image]** ​     |
 +|**Report** ​   |previously created report ​ |**List Report Contacts** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +ProjXUtil.storeFileHandle(new Var(rdbContacts,"​REPORT_NAME"​),​new Var(rdbContacts,"​REPORT_FILE"​),​getListReportContacts());​
 +==== Show file ====
 +Shows the selected file. The file is either displayed in a browser or opened using the relevant program (e.g. Word, Excel), depending on how the PC is configured.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Filename** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.Filename]** ​ |
 +|**Content** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.Image]** ​    |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show report ====
 +Shows the specified report. The report is either displayed in a browser or opened using the relevant program (e.g. Word, Excel), depending on how the PC is configured.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​                        ​^Example ​                  ^
 +|**Report** ​ |list of previously created reports ​ |**List Report Contacts** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Upload file ====
 +Saves a file in the current record. The name of the uploaded file is saved in a text column; the file itself is saved in a column of type Image or File.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                              ​^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Filename** ​ |column for the name                       ​|**[Contacts.Filename]** ​ |
 +|**Content** ​  ​|column for the data (type image or file)  |**[Contacts.Image]** ​    |
 +<code java>
 +===== Table control =====
 +==== Disable header sorting ====
 +Disables header sorting by click in the header columns.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable header sorting ====
 +Enables header sorting by click in the header columns.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide Delete button ====
 +Hides the '​delete record'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide Duplicate button ====
 +Hides the '​duplicate record'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide Edit button ====
 +Hides the 'edit record'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide Export button ====
 +Hides the '​export'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide New button ====
 +Hides the '​insert new record'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide Search button ====
 +Hides the '​search record'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide Search record ====
 +It is possible to search directly in a table view. If such a search was performed, this action can be used to disable the search restriction. '​Enable Search button'​ restores the restriction by the search terms.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide focus rectangle ====
 +Hides the focus style of the selected cell in the table view. A selected cell has no additional frame. The cell looks unselected.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Hint: This action does not work in the web application
 +==== Hide gridlines ====
 +Hides the horizontal and vertical gridlines in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide horizontal lines ====
 +Hides the horizontal lines in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide selection ====
 +Disables highlighting of the selected record in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide table control buttons ====
 +Hides the navigation toolbar for the selected table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide vertical lines ====
 +Hides the vertical lines in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set maximum row height ====
 +Sets the maximum row height of a table view.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​  ​|table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Height** ​ |number, parameter ​    ​|**30** ​                    |
 +<code java>
 +Hint: The height of the header line is not changed.
 +==== Set minimum row height ====
 +Sets the minimum row height of a table view.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​  ​|table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Height** ​ |number, parameter ​    ​|**30** ​                    |
 +<code java>
 +Hint: The height of the header line is not changed.
 +==== Set row height ====
 +Set the row height of a table view.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​  ​|table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Height** ​ |number, parameter ​    ​|**50** ​                    |
 +<code java>
 +Hint: The height of the header line is not changed.
 +==== Set sort order column name ====
 +Defines in which column the sort order is stored as a numerical value. The sorting starts at 0 and the table view is sorted by this column. In the table view navigation, there are two new buttons 'move up' and 'move down' to move a record up or down in the sort order.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​  ​|table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Column** ​ |table column ​         |**[Contacts.sorting]** ​    |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show Delete button ====
 +Shows the '​delete recored'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show Duplicate button ====
 +Shows the '​duplicate record'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show Edit button ====
 +Shows the 'edit record'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show Export button ====
 +Shows the '​export'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show New button ====
 +Shows the '​insert new record'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show Search button ====
 +Hides the '​search record'​ button in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show Search record ====
 +It is possible to search directly in a table view. If such a search was performed and disabled, this action can be used to enable the search restriction again. The table view is now again filtered according to the previously entered search terms.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show focus rectangle ====
 +Shows the focus style of the selected cell in the table view. A selected cell has an additional frame.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show gridlines ====
 +Shows the horizontal and vertical gridlines in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show horizontal lines ====
 +Shows the horizontal lines in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show selection ====
 +Disables highlighting of the selected record in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show table control buttons ====
 +Shows the navigation toolbar for the selected table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show vertical lines ====
 +Shows the vertical lines in the table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​          ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view in screen ​ |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +===== Tools =====
 +==== Call server action ====
 +Calls a server action or a stored procedure from the database. The parameters of this action are different, depending on which server action is selected. '​sendMail'​ for example has the following parameters: pFrom, pTo, pSubject, pText, pFileName, pContent
 +^Parameter ​         ^Description ​            ​^Example ​      ^
 +|**Server action** ​ |list of server actions ​ |**doCommit** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Open Website ====
 +Opens an Website in a web browser.
 +Hint: Depending on the browser settings you may have to allow the pop up the first time.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​      ^
 +|**URL** ​   |text, parameter, column value, filter value, concatenation of all  |**doCommit** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== QR Contact ====
 +Converts the given contact information into a QR code and saves it in the selected image column. Parameters can be left empty.
 +^Parameter ​        ​^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Write to**      |column ​                                      ​|**[Contacts.QR]** ​             |
 +|**Name** ​         |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.QR]** ​             |
 +|**Company** ​      ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value  |**[ name]** ​  |
 +|**Title** ​        ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.Academic Title]** ​ |
 +|**Phone number** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.QR]** ​             |
 +|**E-Mail** ​       |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.Email]** ​          |
 +|**Address** ​      ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value  |**{address}** ​                 |
 +|**Website** ​      ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value  |                               |
 +|**Note** ​         |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.description]** ​    |
 +<code java>
 +QRUtil.setContact(getConnection(),​new Var(rdbContacts,"​QR"​),​(String)getParameter("​name"​),"",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​ACTI_ACADEMIC_TITLE"​),"",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​EMAIL"​),​(String)getParameter("​address"​),"",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​DESCRIPTION"​));​
 +Hint: If several columns should be merged into one text, this is possible via parameters. Before the action a parameter can be set and this can be used in the action. For more information see 'Set Parameter',​ 'Set Parameter with concatenated text', 'Set Parameter with calculated value'​.
 +==== QR E-Mail ====
 +Converts the E-Mail address into a QR code and saves it in the selected image column.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                                 ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Write to**  |column ​                                      ​|**[Contacts.QR]** ​    |
 +|**E-Mail** ​   |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**[Contacts.Email]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +QRUtil.setEMail(getConnection(),​new Var(rdbContacts,"​QR"​),​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​EMAIL"​));​
 +==== QR Geo location ====
 +Converts the given location into a QR code and saves it in the selected column.
 +^Parameter ​     ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Write to**   ​|column ​                                      ​|**[Contacts.QR]** ​     |
 +|**Latitude** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value  |**48.24669129999999** ​ |
 +|**Longitude** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**16.3798883** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +QRUtil.setGeoLocation(getConnection(),​new Var(rdbContacts,"​QR"​),"​48.24669129999999","​16.3798883",​null);​
 +==== QR Phone number ====
 +Converts the given phone number into a QR code and saves it in the selected image column.
 +^Parameter ​        ​^Description ​                                 ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Write to**      |column ​                                      ​|**[Contacts.QR]** ​    |
 +|**Phone Number** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**+43 1 934 6009 0**  |
 +<code java>
 +QRUtil.setPhoneNumber(getConnection(),​new Var(rdbContacts,"​QR"​),"​+43 1 934 6009 0");
 +==== QR Text ====
 +Converts the given text into a QR code and saves it in the selected image column.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                                 ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Write to**  |column ​                                      ​|**[Contacts.QR]** ​ |
 +|**Text** ​     |text, parameter, column value, filter value  |**VisionX** ​       |
 +<code java>
 +QRUtil.setText(getConnection(),​new Var(rdbContacts,"​QR"​),"​VisionX"​);​
 +==== Send e-mail ====
 +Sends an email message using the application settings. One file can be attached. Before this action can be used, the mail server must be configured under **Settings -> E-Mail**. The needed Parameters are: Server, Port, TLS Username, Password Default Sender Default Html
 +Hint: Filename and data can be left empty if no attachment is to be sent.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                                                                            ^
 +|**From** ​     |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**** ​                                                     |
 +|**To** ​       |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**[Contacts.Email]** ​                                                               |
 +|**Subject** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Subject** ​                                                                        |
 +|**Text** ​     |text, column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**Dear [Contacts.Firstname] [Contacts.Lastname],​ this is the body of the e-mail.** ​ |
 +|**Filename** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**[ name]** ​                                                         |
 +|**Data** ​     |column value (File or Image) ​                                      ​|**[ file]** ​                                                         |
 +<code java>
 +getConnection().callAction("​sendMail","​",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​EMAIL"​),"​Subject","​Dear " + Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​)) + " "+ Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​))+ ",​\nthis is the body of the e-mail.",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​REPORT_NAME"​),​rdbContacts.getValue("​REPORT_FILE"​));​
 +==== Send e-mail with custom server ====
 +This action can be used if you want to send from another server than defined in the application settings. It's possible to use TLS encryption. No HTML only plain text is possible. One file can be attached.
 +Hint: Filename and data can be left empty if no attachment is to be sent.
 +If you want to use more than one server you can store the connection details in a server table, filter the table before sending and then you can use the table information.
 +^Parameter ​     ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                                                                            ^
 +|**SMTP Host** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**host** ​                                                                           |
 +|**SMTP Port** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**25** ​                                                                             |
 +|**Username** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Username** ​                                                                       |
 +|**Password** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Password** ​                                                                       |
 +|**TLS** ​       |checkbox ​                                                          ​|**yes** ​                                                                            |
 +|**From** ​      ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**** ​                                                     |
 +|**To** ​        ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**[Contacts.Email]** ​                                                               |
 +|**Subject** ​   |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Subject** ​                                                                        |
 +|**Text** ​      ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**Dear [Contacts.Firstname] [Contacts.Lastname],​ this is the body of the e-mail.** ​ |
 +|**Filename** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**[ name]** ​                                                         |
 +|**Data** ​      ​|column value (File or Image) ​                                      ​|**[ file]** ​                                                         |
 +<code java>
 +getConnection().callAction("​sendMail","​host","​25","​Username","​Password",​Boolean.TRUE,​Boolean.FALSE,"​",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​EMAIL"​),"​Subject","​Dear " + Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​)) + " "+ Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​))+ ",​\nthis is the body of the e-mail.",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​REPORT_NAME"​),​rdbContacts.getValue("​REPORT_FILE"​));​
 +==== Send e-mail with custom server (no TLS) ====
 +This action can be used if you want to send from another server than defined in the application settings. It's not possible to use TLS encryption. No HTML only plain text is possible. One file can be attached.
 +Hint: Filename and data can be left empty if no attachment is to be sent.
 +If you want to use more than one server you can store the connection details in a server table, filter the table before sending and then you can use the table information.
 +^Parameter ​     ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                                                                            ^
 +|**SMTP Host** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**host** ​                                                                           |
 +|**SMTP Port** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**25** ​                                                                             |
 +|**Username** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Username** ​                                                                       |
 +|**Password** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Password** ​                                                                       |
 +|**From** ​      ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**** ​                                                     |
 +|**To** ​        ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**[Contacts.Email]** ​                                                               |
 +|**Subject** ​   |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Subject** ​                                                                        |
 +|**Text** ​      ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**Dear [Contacts.Firstname] [Contacts.Lastname],​ this is the body of the e-mail.** ​ |
 +|**Filename** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**[ name]** ​                                                         |
 +|**Data** ​      ​|column value (File or Image) ​                                      ​|**[ file]** ​                                                         |
 +<code java>
 +getConnection().callAction("​sendMail","​host","​25","​Username","​Password","​",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​EMAIL"​),"​Subject","​Dear " + Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​)) + " "+ Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​))+ ",​\nthis is the body of the e-mail.",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​REPORT_NAME"​),​rdbContacts.getValue("​REPORT_FILE"​));​
 +==== Send html e-mail with custom server ====
 +This action can be used if you want to send HTML Mails from another server than defined in the application settings. It's possible to use TLS encryption. One file can be attached.
 +Hint: Filename and data can be left empty if no attachment is to be sent.
 +If you want to use more than one server you can store the connection details in a server table, filter the table before sending and then you can use the table information.
 +^Parameter ​     ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                                                                            ^
 +|**SMTP Host** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**host** ​                                                                           |
 +|**SMTP Port** ​ |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**25** ​                                                                             |
 +|**Username** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Username** ​                                                                       |
 +|**Password** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Password** ​                                                                       |
 +|**TLS** ​       |checkbox ​                                                          ​|**yes** ​                                                                            |
 +|**From** ​      ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**** ​                                                     |
 +|**To** ​        ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**[Contacts.Email]** ​                                                               |
 +|**Subject** ​   |text, parameter, column value, filter value                        |**Subject** ​                                                                        |
 +|**Text** ​      ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**Dear [Contacts.Firstname] [Contacts.Lastname],​ this is the body of the e-mail.** ​ |
 +|**Filename** ​  ​|text,​ parameter, column value, filter value                        |**[ name]** ​                                                         |
 +|**Data** ​      ​|column value (File or Image) ​                                      ​|**[ file]** ​                                                         |
 +<code java>
 +getConnection().callAction("​sendMail","​host","​25","​Username","​Password",​Boolean.TRUE,​Boolean.TRUE,"​",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​EMAIL"​),"​Subject","​Dear " + Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​)) + " "+ Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​))+ ",​\nthis is the body of the e-mail.",​(String)rdbContacts.getValue("​REPORT_NAME"​),​rdbContacts.getValue("​REPORT_FILE"​));​
 +===== User interface =====
 +==== Activate autoresize columns ====
 +Activates autoresize for the selected table view. If no width was set for a column, it will automatically be set so that all displayed columns have space on the screen.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view   ​|**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Activate responsive design ====
 +Activates responsive design for the selected element. Only works when the responsive mode is activated under **Settings -> Design**.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                                         ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout ​      ​|**[Advanced Form Layout: advancedFormLayout1]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Add style ====
 +A CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) class can be assigned to an element. This class must be defined under **Settings -> Web Application Settings -> Styles**
 +<code java>
 +Put your custom application styles in this file.
 +.colorGreen .v-panel-caption {
 +color: green;
 +This action works only in the web.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout ​                                                            ​|**[Group Panel: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Style** ​   |text, column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**[colorGreen]** ​            |
 +<code java>
 +==== Allow focus ====
 +Allows setting focus (selection of the element with tab) on an element.
 +Hint: Works only in web.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout ​      ​|**[Editor:​ Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Deactivate autoresize columns ====
 +Deactivates autoresize for the selected table view.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table view   ​|**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Deactivate responsive design ====
 +Deactivates responsive design for the selected element.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                                         ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout ​      ​|**[Advanced Form Layout: advancedFormLayout1]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable element ====
 +Disables the selected element. The element is grayed out and no changes can be made.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout ​      ​|**[Editor:​ Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable tab ====
 +Disables the selected tab in a tabset. It is grayed out and cannot be clicked.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Tabset** ​ |Layout - Tabsets ​ |**[Tabset: tabsetPanelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Tab** ​    ​|Layout - Tabs     |**2. customers** ​              |
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable translation ====
 +Disables the translation of an element. This action works only in the onLoad Event of the Screen.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​       ^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout - Elements ​ |**[Tabset: tabsetPanelMain]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Do not allow focus ====
 +Disables the translation for the selected element.
 +Disallow setting focus (selection of the element with tab) on an element.
 +Hint: Works only in web.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout ​      ​|**[Editor:​ Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Do not preserve aspect ratio ====
 +If an icon has horizontal and/or vertical alignment set to stretch, this action does not keep the original heights and width ratio.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​        ​^Example ​           ^
 +|**Icon** ​  |icon of the screen ​ |**[Icon: icon1]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable element ====
 +Enables the selected element. The element is grayed out and no changes can be made.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout ​      ​|**[Editor:​ Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable tab ====
 +Enables the selected tab in a tabset. It is not grayed out and can opened.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Tabset** ​ |Layout - Tabsets ​ |**[Tabset: tabsetPanelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Tab** ​    ​|Layout - Tabs     |**2. customers** ​              |
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable translation ====
 +Enables the translation of an element. This action works only in the onLoad Event of the Screen.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​       ^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout - Elements ​ |**[Tabset: tabsetPanelMain]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide button border ====
 +Hides the border of the selected button.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Button** ​ |Button ​      ​|**[Button:​ Save]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide column ====
 +Hides the selected column of a Table.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​  ​^Example ​                  ^
 +|**Column** ​ |Table column ​ |**[Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +DataBookUtil.hideColumn(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​));​
 +==== Hide editor border ====
 +Hides the border of an input field used in the screen.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​            ​^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Editor** ​ |editors used in screen ​ |**[Editor: Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide element ====
 +Hides the selected element used in the screen.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​           ^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Element** ​ |element of the screen ​ |**[Editor: Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Hide navigation ====
 +Hides the navigation of an editing panel in display mode Tabset or Inline or the table
 +^Parameter ​         ^Description ​           ^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Editing Panel** ​ |element of the screen ​ |**[Editing Panel: morphPanelMain]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Preserve aspect ratio ====
 +If an icon has horizontal and/or vertical alignment set to stretch, this action can keep the original height and width ratio.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​        ​^Example ​           ^
 +|**Icon** ​  |icon of the screen ​ |**[Icon: icon1]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Remove style ====
 +A CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) class can be removed from an element.
 +Only styles that were previously added with add style can be removed.
 +This action works only in the web.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout ​                                                            ​|**[Group Panel: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Style** ​   |text, column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**[colorGreen]** ​            |
 +<code java>
 +==== Request focus ====
 +Requests the focus (selection of the element with tab) on an element. This works also, if the focus of the element is disabled.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​    ​^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Editor** ​ |Editor, Search ​ |**[Editor: Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Save editor immediately ====
 +Normally, changed editor values are only saved in the model when the editor is exited.
 +For example, the filter does not search until the editor is exited with enter, tab or mouse click.
 +If Save editor immediately is set to an editor or filter, it is saved to the model with each keystroke. The filter searches immediately during the input.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​    ​^Example ​                ^
 +|**Editor** ​ |Editor, Search ​ |**[Search: Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Save editor not immediately ====
 +Changed editor values are only saved in the model when the editor is exited.
 +For example, the filter does not search until the editor is exited with Enter, Tab or mouse click.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Layout ​      ​|**[Search:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Select tab ====
 +Activates the selected tab.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​                ​^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Tabset** ​ |Tabsets in the screen ​      ​|**[Tabset:​ tabsetPanelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Tab** ​    ​|Tabsets of selected tabset ​ |**2. Customers** ​              |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set background color ====
 +Changes the background color of the selected element.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​           ^Example ​                      ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Element in the screen ​ |**[Group Panel: Contacts]]** ​ |
 +|**Color** ​   |Color Picker ​          ​|**#​FF0000** ​                  |
 +<code java>
 +groupPanelOverview.setBackground(new UIColor(0xff0000));​
 +==== Set background image ====
 +Changes the background image of the selected panel.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​           ^Example ​                ^
 +|**Panel** ​ |Panels in the screen ​  ​|**[Panel:​ panelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Image** ​ |Image Upload / Picker ​ |**Background.png** ​     |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set button margins ====
 +Changes the button margins of the selected button.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                      ​^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Button** ​  ​|Buttons in the screen ​            ​|**[Button:​ download report]** ​ |
 +|**Margins** ​ |North, East, South, West margins ​ |**10, 10, 10, 10**             |
 +<code java>
 +buttonShowReport.setMargins(new UIInsets(10,​10,​10,​10));​
 +==== Set display mode ====
 +Changes the display mode of an editing panel.
 +^Parameter ​         ^Description ​    ​^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Editing Panel** ​ |editing panels ​ |**[Editing Panel: morphPanelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Display Mode** ​  ​|display modes   ​|**Tabset** ​                          |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set divider position ====
 +Sets the divider position of a split panel.
 +^Parameter ​       ^Description ​    ​^Example ​                           ^
 +|**Split Panel** ​ |editing panels ​ |**[Split Panel: morphPanelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Position** ​    ​|number value    |**350** ​                           |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set element editable ====
 +Enables editing of a table view or trees.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​      ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Element** ​ |table view, tree  |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set element not editable ====
 +Disables editing of a table view or trees.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​      ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Element** ​ |table view, tree  |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set font ====
 +Changes the font of an element.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​   ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Element** ​ |elements ​      ​|**[Group Panel: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Font** ​    |list of fonts  |**Comic Sans MS**            |
 +|**Size** ​    ​|number ​        ​|**16** ​                      |
 +|**Bold** ​    ​|yes/​no ​        ​|**yes** ​                     |
 +|**Italic** ​  ​|yes/​no ​        ​|**yes** ​                     |
 +<code java>
 +groupPanelOverview.setFont(new UIFont("​Comic Sans MS",​3,​16));​
 +==== Set gap between text and image ====
 +Changes the gap between the image and the text within a button.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​         ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Button** ​ |buttons ​             |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Gap** ​    ​|number or parameter ​ |**30** ​             |
 +<code java>
 +groupPanelOverview.setFont(new UIFont("​Comic Sans MS",​3,​16));​
 +==== Set horizontal alignment ====
 +Changes the alignment of an element text. Left, center and right are possible.
 +^Parameter ​     ^Description ​         ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Element** ​   |element ​             |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Alignment** ​ |left, center, right  |**right** ​          |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set horizontal text position ====
 +Changes the alignment of a button text in relation to the button image. Left, center and right are possible.
 +^Parameter ​     ^Description ​         ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Button** ​    ​|button ​              ​|**[Button:​ Save]** ​ |
 +|**Alignment** ​ |left, center, right  |**right** ​          |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set image ====
 +Changes the image of a button.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​  ​^Example ​            ^
 +|**Element** ​ |button ​       |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Image** ​   |Image wizard ​ |**save.png** ​       |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set label ====
 +Changes the text of a label. It's possible to concatenate different values like fixed text and column values.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                                             ^
 +|**Label** ​ |Label ​                                                             |**[Label: Hallo]** ​                                  |
 +|**Text** ​  ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**Hello, [Contacts.Firstname] [Contacts.Lastname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +labelLabel.setText("​Hello,​ " + Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​)) + " "+ Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​)));​
 +Hint: It's possible to use HTML tags within the label.
 +<​html><​div style="​color:​red;"><​b><​i>​Hello,</​i></​b></​div></​html>​
 +==== Set maximum size ====
 +Changes the maximum height and width of an element.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​         ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Element** ​ |element ​             |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Width** ​   |number or parameter ​ |**150** ​            |
 +|**Height** ​  ​|number or parameter ​ |**50** ​             |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set minimum size ====
 +Changes the minimum height and width of an element.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​         ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Element** ​ |element ​             |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Width** ​   |number or parameter ​ |**150** ​            |
 +|**Height** ​  ​|number or parameter ​ |**50** ​             |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set mouse over image ====
 +Changes the mouse over image of a button.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​  ​^Example ​            ^
 +|**Button** ​ |button ​       |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Image** ​  ​|image wizard ​ |**save.png** ​       |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set navigation mode ====
 +Changes the navigation mode of an editing panel.
 +The navigation by single or double click works only if on the first tab is a table placed and on the second the input form. The display mode must be **inline** or **popup** and the navigation hidden.
 +^Parameter ​           ^Description ​                      ​^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Editing Panel** ​   |editing panel                     ​|**[Editing Panel: morphPanelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Navigation Mode** ​ |None, Single Click, Double Click  |**Double Click** ​                    |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set placeholder ====
 +Sets a placeholder text on an element.
 +For example, a date format placeholder text can be displayed in a birthday input field. The text is light grey and only displayed, when the editor / element is empty.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                         ^
 +|**Element** ​ |element ​                                                           |**[Editor: Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**Text** ​    ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**DD.MM.YYYY (01.01.1999)** ​     |
 +<code java>
 +editContactsBirthday.setPlaceholder("​DD.MM.YYYY (01.01.1999)"​);​
 +==== Set preferred size ====
 +Changes the preferred height and width of an element.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​         ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Element** ​ |element ​             |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Width** ​   |number or parameter ​ |**150** ​            |
 +|**Height** ​  ​|number or parameter ​ |**50** ​             |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set pressed image ====
 +Changes the on button click image of a button.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​  ​^Example ​            ^
 +|**Button** ​ |button ​       |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Image** ​  ​|image wizard ​ |**save.png** ​       |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set tab image ====
 +Changes the image of the selected tab.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​            ​^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Tabset** ​ |Tabset ​                 |**[Tabset: tabsetPanelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Tabset** ​ |Tab of selected Tabset ​ |**2. customers** ​              |
 +|**Image** ​  ​|image wizard ​           |**about.png** ​                 |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set tab text ====
 +Changes the text of the selected tab.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Tabset** ​ |Tabset ​                                                            ​|**[Tabset:​ tabsetPanelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Tabset** ​ |Tab of selected Tabset ​                                            |**2. customers** ​              |
 +|**Text** ​   |text, column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**[ name]** ​  |
 +<code java>
 +tabsetPanelMain.setTextAtIfExists(1,​Text.val(new Var(rdbCustomers,"​COMPANY_NAME"​)));​
 +==== Set text color ====
 +Changes the text color of an element.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​   ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Element** ​ |element ​       |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Color** ​   |Color chooser ​ |**#​FF0000** ​        |
 +<code java>
 +buttonButton15.setForeground(new UIColor(0xff0000));​
 +==== Set tooltip ====
 +Changes the tooltip text of an element. The tooltip is displayed when the mouse is positioned over the selected element.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                            ^
 +|**Element** ​ |element ​                                                           |**[Button: Save]** ​                 |
 +|**Text** ​    ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**This button saves all changes.** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +buttonButton15.setToolTipText("​This button saves all changes."​);​
 +==== Set vertical alignment ====
 +Changes the vertical alignment of a selected element.
 +^Parameter ​     ^Description ​         ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Element** ​   |element ​             |**[Button: Save]** ​ |
 +|**Alignment** ​ |top, middle, bottom ​ |**top** ​            |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set vertical text position ====
 +Changes the vertical text position of a button in relation to the button image.
 +^Parameter ​    ​^Description ​         ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Button** ​   |button ​              ​|**[Button:​ Save]** ​ |
 +|**Position** ​ |top, middle, bottom ​ |**top** ​            |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show button border ====
 +Shows the border of the selected button.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Button** ​ |Button ​      ​|**[Button:​ Save]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show button border if mouse is not over ====
 +Shows the border of the selected button if the mouse cursor is not pointing over the button.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Button** ​ |Button ​      ​|**[Button:​ Save]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show button border if mouse is over ====
 +Shows the border of the selected button if the mouse cursor points over the button.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​            ^
 +|**Button** ​ |Button ​      ​|**[Button:​ Save]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show column ====
 +Shows the selected column of a Table. The column will be placed at the end of all displayed columns.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​  ​^Example ​                  ^
 +|**Column** ​ |Table column ​ |**[Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +DataBookUtil.showColumn(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​));​
 +==== Show editor border ====
 +Shows the border of an input field used in the screen.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​            ​^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Editor** ​ |editors used in screen ​ |**[Editor: Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show element ====
 +Shows the selected element used in the screen.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​           ^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Element** ​ |element of the screen ​ |**[Editor: Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Show navigation ====
 +Shows the navigation of an editing panel in display mode Tabset or Inline.
 +^Parameter ​         ^Description ​           ^Example ​                             ^
 +|**Editing Panel** ​ |element of the screen ​ |**[Editing Panel: morphPanelMain]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Start editing ====
 +Starts editing in the selected row and column of a table view.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Element** ​ |table views  |**[TableView:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Toggle button down ====
 +The selected toggle button (checkbox, radio- or toggle button) is pressed.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​                           ^Example ​                    ^
 +|**Button** ​ |checkbox, radio button, toggle button ​ |**[Check Box: Check Box]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Toggle button up ====
 +The selected toggle button (checkbox, radio- or toggle button) is unpressed.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​                           ^Example ​                    ^
 +|**Button** ​ |checkbox, radio button, toggle button ​ |**[Check Box: Check Box]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Trigger validation error ====
 +Shows a validation error. The defined error message is shown in a Validation Result area.
 +Hint: Only triggered within a validator will display it in the Validation Result. If this action is placed on a button, it will be displayed in a message dialog.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​                                       ^
 +|**Message** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |**The email [] is not valid.** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +throw new Exception("​The email " + Text.val(new Var(rdbCustomers,"​EMAIL"​)) + " is not valid."​);​
 +===== Work screen =====
 +==== Center this screen ====
 +Centers the current screen (horizontally and vertically). It only works, if the screen is not maximized.
 +<code java>
 +==== Close screen ====
 +Closes the selected screen.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​     ^Example ​      ^
 +|**Screen** ​ |List of screens ​ |**Contacts** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Close this screen ====
 +Closes the current screen.
 +<code java>
 +==== Disable manual save and reload ====
 +Changes are saved automatically.
 +Hint: The current screen is attached to the application toolbar. Clicking "​Save"​ or "​Reload"​ on the toolbar is working within the current screen.
 +<code java>
 +==== Discard all changes ====
 +Discards all changes on a screen, without reloading the data.
 +Hint: This command is used to discard changes on a form using a "​Cancel"​ button.
 +<code java>
 +==== Enable manual save and reload ====
 +No changes are saved automatically. To save or undo changes, there are the following actions:
 +  * Save all changes
 +  * Save table
 +  * Reload all
 +  * Reload all screens
 +  * Reload table
 +  * Discard all changes
 +Hint: The current screen is detached from the application toolbar. Clicking "​Save"​ or "​Reload"​ on the toolbar is ignored within the current screen.
 +<code java>
 +==== Open Screen ====
 +Opens the selected workscreen.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​     ^Example ​      ^
 +|**Screen** ​ |List of screens ​ |**Contacts** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== Reload all ====
 +Discards all changes and reloads records of the current screen from the database.
 +<code java>
 +==== Save all changes ====
 +Saves all changes of the current screen.
 +<code java>
 +==== Set Parameter ====
 +Sets a parameter with a static value.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​ ^
 +|**Name** ​  |text value                                   ​|VALUE ​   |
 +|**Value** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |         |
 +<code java>
 +==== Set Parameter with calculated value ====
 +Sets a parameter with a calculated value. For more information see [[#​formulas|Formulas]]
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                                             ^
 +|**Name** ​    |text value                                   ​|VALUE ​                                               |
 +|**Fromula** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |[Order Details.Quantity]*[Order Details.Unit Price] ​ |
 +<code java>
 +Calc.setParameter(this,"​VALUE",​Calc.val(new Var(rdbOrderdetails,"​QUANTITY"​)) * Calc.val(new Var(rdbOrderdetails,"​UNIT_PRICE"​)));​
 +==== Set Parameter with concatenated text ====
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                                       ^Example ​ ^
 +|**Name** ​  |text value                                                         ​|VALUE ​   |
 +|**Text** ​  ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter, concatenation of all  |         |
 +<code java>
 +Text.setParameter(this,"​VALUE",​Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​)) + " " + Text.val(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​)));​
 +====== List of conditions ======
 +===== Conditions =====
 +If an action is to be executed only in certain cases, then conditions are required. Always 2 values are compared by means of a given condition. If this condition is fulfilled, one or more actions are executed, if this condition is not fulfilled, another action can be executed. Conditions are nestable.
 +==== Are equal ====
 +Compares two values if they are equal.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​      ^
 +|**Value 1**  |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**Contacts** ​ |
 +|**Value 2**  |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**Contacts** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (Logical.equals(rdbContacts.getValue("​TOWN"​),"​Vienna"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​Yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​No"​);​
 +==== Are not equal ====
 +Compares two values if they are not equal.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​      ^
 +|**Value 1**  |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**Contacts** ​ |
 +|**Value 2**  |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**Contacts** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (!Logical.equals(rdbContacts.getValue("​TOWN"​),"​Vienna"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​Yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​No"​);​
 +==== Are validations in area ok ====
 +It's possible to check all validators of a grouping element or a validator directly When all validators or the selected are correct, the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed, otherwise the actions in the "​Else"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: It is also possible to check nested elements here. For example, if a panel is selected, all validators on the panel and on all panels that have been placed on this panel are checked.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​                   ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Element** ​ |grouping elements, validators ​ |**[Group Panel: Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (validationResult2.isValid()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Are validations ok ====
 +If all validation elements on the same grouping element as the result element are correct, then the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed, otherwise the actions in the "​Else"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: This condition is often used to perform and show all field validations. If validation errors occur during the field validations,​ they are displayed collectively in the selected validation result.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​        ​^Example ​                                    ^
 +|**Element** ​ |Validation results ​ |**[Validation Result: validationResult2]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (validationResult2.isValid()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Has record ====
 +Checks if a table has at least one record.
 +Hint: If a filter is used in the screen, you may reset or if needed set the filter to check if there are any records.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​ |tables ​      ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (DataBookUtil.hasRecords(rdbContacts)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Has role assigned ====
 +This condition is true if the selected role has been assigned to the user.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Role** ​  ​|roles ​       |**Administrator** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (getApplication().hasRole("​Administrator"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is Desktop environment ====
 +This condition is true when the application is executed in a desktop environment.
 +<code java>
 +if (getApplication().getLauncher().isDesktopEnvironment()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is Html5 environment ====
 +This condition is true when the application is executed in a Html5 environment.
 +<code java>
 +if (getApplication().getLauncher().isDesktopEnvironment()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is Mobile environment ====
 +This condition is true when the application is executed in a mobile environment.
 +<code java>
 +if (getApplication().getLauncher().isMobileEnvironment()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is REST environment ====
 +This condition is true when the application is executed in a REST environment.
 +<code java>
 +if (getApplication().getLauncher().isRESTEnvironment()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is Service environment ====
 +This condition is true when the application is executed in a service environment.
 +<code java>
 +if ("​APPSERVICES"​.equals(getApplication().getLauncher().getEnvironmentName())) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is Test environment ====
 +This condition is true when the application is executed in a test environment.
 +<code java>
 +if (getApplication().getLauncher().isHeadlessEnvironment()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is between ====
 +This condition is true when the selected value is between minimum and maximum value.
 +^Parameter ​         ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**value** ​         |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**minimum value** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**01.01.1990** ​          |
 +|**maximum value** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**31.12.2022** ​          |
 +<code java>
 +if (Logical.between(rdbContacts.getValue("​BIRTHDAY"​),"​01.01.1990","​31.12.2022"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is column changed ====
 +If the selected column is changed the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed, otherwise the actions in the "​Else"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: This condition works only with **Row value changed** and **Update** events.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​                  ^
 +|**Column** ​ |column ​      ​|**[Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (DataBookUtil.isChangedColumnName(pEvent,​new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​))) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is e-mail invalid ====
 +If the first parameter is an invalid email address (W3C consortium definition),​ then the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed, otherwise the actions in the "​Else"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​              ^
 +|**Text** ​  ​|text,​ column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**[Contacts.Email]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (!Logical.isValidEmail((String)rdbContacts.getValue("​EMAIL"​))) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is enabled ====
 +If the selected element is enabled the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Element** ​ |element ​     |**[Editor: Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (editContactsFirstname.isEnabled()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is first record selected ====
 +If the first record of the selected table is selected the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table ​       |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (DataBookUtil.isFirstRowSelected(rdbContacts)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is greater ====
 +If the selected value is greater than the limit the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**Limit** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**01.01.1990** ​          |
 +<code java>
 +if (Logical.greater(rdbContacts.getValue("​BIRTHDAY"​),"​01.01.1990"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is greater or equal ====
 +If the selected value is greater or equal than the limit the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**Limit** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**01.01.1990** ​          |
 +<code java>
 +if (Logical.greaterOrEqual(rdbContacts.getValue("​BIRTHDAY"​),"​01.01.1990"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is importing ====
 +This condition is true if the "​import"​ action is currently executed. The condition can be used for events such as "After row selected"​ to determine if the event occurred during initialization or if it was triggered by the user.
 +<code java>
 +if (ProjXUtil.isImporting()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is last record selected ====
 +If the last record of the selected table is selected the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table ​       |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (DataBookUtil.isLastRowSelected(rdbContacts,​false)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is longer ====
 +If the value length is greater than the selected length the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​  ​|column ​           |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**Length** ​ |value, parameter ​ |**10** ​                  |
 +<code java>
 +if (Text.isLonger(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​),​10)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is not between ====
 +This condition is true when the selected value is not between minimum and maximum value.
 +^Parameter ​         ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**value** ​         |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**minimum value** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**01.01.1990** ​          |
 +|**maximum value** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**01.01.2000** ​          |
 +<code java>
 +if (!Logical.between(rdbContacts.getValue("​BIRTHDAY"​),"​01.01.1990","​01.01.2000"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is pressed or checked ====
 +This condition is true when a toggle button is pressed or checkbox/​radio button is checked.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​                           ^Example ​                    ^
 +|**Button** ​ |checkbox, radio button, toggle button ​ |**[Check Box: Check Box]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (checkBoxCheckBox1.isSelected()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is record selected ====
 +If any record of the selected table is selected the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table ​       |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (rdbContacts.getSelectedRow() >= 0) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is row selected ====
 +If a certain row of the selected table is selected the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: The row numbers start at 0 and not at 1. For example, the row numbered 2 is the 3rd row in the table.
 +^Parameter ​      ​^Description ​       ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​      ​|table ​             |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Row number** ​ |number, parameter ​ |**0** ​                 |
 +<code java>
 +if (rdbContacts.getSelectedRow() == 0) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is screen showing ====
 +The condition is true when the current screen is displayed and not closed.
 +<code java>
 +if (isShowing()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is selected row greater ====
 +If the current row of the selected table is greater than the defined row number the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: The row numbers start at 0 and not at 1. For example, the row numbered 2 is the 3rd row in the table.
 +^Parameter ​      ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​      ​|table ​            ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Row number** ​ |value, parameter ​ |**5** ​                 |
 +<code java>
 +if (rdbContacts.getSelectedRow() > 5) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is selected row greater or equal ====
 +If the current row of the selected table is greater or equal than the defined row number the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: The row numbers start at 0 and not at 1. For example, the row numbered 2 is the 3rd row in the table.
 +^Parameter ​      ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​      ​|table ​            ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Row number** ​ |value, parameter ​ |**5** ​                 |
 +<code java>
 +if (rdbContacts.getSelectedRow() >= 5) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is selected row smaller ====
 +If the current row of the selected table is smaller than the defined row number the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: The row numbers start at 0 and not at 1. For example, the row numbered 2 is the 3rd row in the table.
 +^Parameter ​      ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​      ​|table ​            ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Row number** ​ |value, parameter ​ |**5** ​                 |
 +<code java>
 +if (rdbContacts.getSelectedRow() < 5) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is selected row smaller or equal ====
 +If the current row of the selected table is smaller or equal than the defined row number the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: The row numbers start at 0 and not at 1. For example, the row numbered 2 is the 3rd row in the table.
 +^Parameter ​      ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​      ​|table ​            ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Row number** ​ |value, parameter ​ |**5** ​                 |
 +<code java>
 +if (rdbContacts.getSelectedRow() <= 5) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is shorter ====
 +If the value length is shorter than the selected length the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​  ​|column ​           |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**Length** ​ |value, parameter ​ |**10** ​                  |
 +<code java>
 +if (Text.isShorter(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​),​10)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is smaller ====
 +If the selected value is smaller than the limit the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**Limit** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**01.01.1990** ​          |
 +<code java>
 +if (Logical.smaller(rdbContacts.getValue("​BIRTHDAY"​),"​1.1.1990"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is smaller or equal ====
 +If the selected value is smaller or equal than the limit the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​                                 ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**Limit** ​ |text, column value, filter value, parameter ​ |**01.01.1990** ​          |
 +<code java>
 +if (Logical.smaller(rdbContacts.getValue("​BIRTHDAY"​),"​1.1.1990"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is tab selected ====
 +If the selected tab is active the condition is true and actions in the "​If"​ path are executed, otherwise the commands in the "​Else"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​             ^Example ​                       ^
 +|**Tabset** ​ |tabsets ​                 |**[Tabset: tabsetPanelMain]** ​ |
 +|**Tab** ​    |tabs of selected tabset ​ |**1. contact** ​                |
 +<code java>
 +if (tabsetPanelMain.getSelectedIndex() == 0) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Is visible ====
 +If the selected element is visible the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: see Actions **Hide element** and **Show element**
 +^Parameter ​   ^Description ​ ^Example ​                          ^
 +|**Element** ​ |elements ​    ​|**[Editor:​ Contacts.Firstname]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (editContactsFirstname.isVisible()) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Not has record ====
 +Checks if a table is empty.
 +Hint: If a filter is used in the screen, you may reset or if needed set the filter to check if there are any records.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​ |tables ​      ​|**[Table:​ Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (!DataBookUtil.hasRecords(rdbContacts)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Not has role assigned ====
 +This condition is true if the selected role has not been assigned to the user.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Role** ​  ​|roles ​       |**Administrator** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (!getApplication().hasRole("​Administrator"​)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Not is longer ====
 +If the value length is not greater than the selected length the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​  ​|column ​           |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +|**Length** ​ |value, parameter ​ |**10** ​                  |
 +<code java>
 +if (!Text.isLonger(new Var(rdbContacts,"​FIRSTNAME"​),​10)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Not is record selected ====
 +If no record of the selected table is selected the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​ |table ​       |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +if (rdbContacts.getSelectedRow() < 0) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Not is row selected ====
 +If a certain row of the selected table is not selected the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +Hint: The row numbers start at 0 and not at 1. For example, the row numbered 2 is the 3rd row in the table.
 +^Parameter ​      ​^Description ​       ^Example ​               ^
 +|**Table** ​      ​|table ​             |**[Table: Contacts]** ​ |
 +|**Row number** ​ |number, parameter ​ |**5** ​                 |
 +<code java>
 +if (rdbContacts.getSelectedRow() != 5) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +==== Not is shorter ====
 +If the value length is not shorter than the selected length the condition is true and the actions in the "​If"​ path are executed.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​      ​^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​  ​|column ​           |**[Contacts.Lastname]** ​ |
 +|**Length** ​ |value, parameter ​ |**5** ​                   |
 +<code java>
 +if (!Text.isShorter(new Var(rdbContacts,"​LASTNAME"​),​5)) {
 +  showInformation(this,"​yes"​);​
 +else {
 +  showInformation(this,"​no"​);​
 +====== List of formulas ======
 +A number of actions can include the use of formulas. E.g. "​Calculate Value"​.
 +===== Arithmetic operations =====
 +Formulas allow for the calculation of values using basic arithmetic operations, as well as a variety of group functions. For arithmetic operations ''​%%+%%'',''​%%-%%'',''​%%*%%'',​ ''​%%/​%%''​ and brackets ''​%%(%%''​ ''​%%)%%''​ can be used. E.g.: ''​%%12 *23 / 2 + (1 - [Items.Quantity] * [Items.Price]) - [Booking.Discount]%%''​.
 +The arithmetic operations can be used with the following actions:
 +  * [[#​calculate_value|Calculate value]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_currency|Set label with calculated currency]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date|Set label with calculated date]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_short|Set label with calculated date short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time|Set label with calculated date time]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time_short|Set label with calculated date time short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_time|Set label with calculated time]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_value|Set label with calculated value]]
 +  * [[#​set_parameter_with_calculated_value|Set Parameter with calculated value]]
 +===== Group Functions =====
 +Group functions calculate results based on all values in a table column. A list is created using each row in the table column; the group function is then applied to this list. E.g. ''​%%avg([Items.Price])%%''​ which returns the average of the prices in the table "​Items"​.
 +In addition, all functions are available in the variant to return ''​%%null%%''​ if all values in the column were ''​%%null%%''​. These variants have the same name but are postfixed with "​Null",​ E.g. ''​%%avgNull([Items.Price])%%''​. For additional information see [[http://​​wiki/​Null_(SQL)|the Wikipedia entry on SQL Null]].
 +The group functions can be used with the following actions:
 +  * [[#​calculate_value|Calculate value]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_currency|Set label with calculated currency]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date|Set label with calculated date]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_short|Set label with calculated date short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time|Set label with calculated date time]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time_short|Set label with calculated date time short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_time|Set label with calculated time]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_value|Set label with calculated value]]
 +  * [[#​set_parameter_with_calculated_value|Set Parameter with calculated value]]
 +==== avg / avgNull ====
 +Returns the average of all values.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Value** ​ |column ​      ​|**[Items.Price]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== min / minNull ====
 +Returns the smallest value.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Value** ​ |column ​      ​|**[Items.Price]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== max / maxNull ====
 +Returns the largest value.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Value** ​ |column ​      ​|**[Items.Price]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== count / countNull ====
 +Returns the number of entries.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Value** ​ |column ​      ​|**[Items.Price]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== sum / sumNull ====
 +Returns the sum of all values.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Value** ​ |column ​      ​|**[Items.Price]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== sumToCurrent / sumToCurrentNull ====
 +Returns the sum of values from the first row to the selected row.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Value** ​ |column ​      ​|**[Items.Price]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== first / firstNull ====
 +Returns the first value.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Value** ​ |column ​      ​|**[Items.Price]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== last / lastNull ====
 +Returns the last value.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​           ^
 +|**Value** ​ |column ​      ​|**[Items.Price]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +===== Date calculation =====
 +The date calculation functions can be used with the following actions:
 +  * [[#​calculate_value|Calculate value]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date|Set label with calculated date]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_short|Set label with calculated date short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time|Set label with calculated date time]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time_short|Set label with calculated date time short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_time|Set label with calculated time]]
 +  * [[#​set_parameter_with_calculated_value|Set Parameter with calculated value]]
 +==== addYears ====
 +Adds a given number of years to the date.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +addYears([Items.PublicationDate],​ 1)
 +==== addMonths ====
 +Adds a given number of months to the date.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​  |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Amount** ​ |number ​      ​|**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +addMonths([Items.PublicationDate],​ 1)
 +==== addDays ====
 +Adds a given number of days to the date.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​  |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Amount** ​ |number ​      ​|**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +addDays([Items.PublicationDate],​ 1)
 +==== addHours ====
 +Adds a given number of hours to the date.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​  |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Amount** ​ |number ​      ​|**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +addHours([Items.PublicationDate],​ 1)
 +==== addMinutes ====
 +Adds a given number of minutes to the date.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​  |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Amount** ​ |number ​      ​|**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +addMinutes([Items.PublicationDate],​ 1)
 +==== addSeconds ====
 +Adds a given number of seconds to the date.
 +^Parameter ​  ​^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​  |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Amount** ​ |number ​      ​|**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +addSeconds([Items.PublicationDate],​ 1)
 +==== yearsBetween ====
 +Calculates the years between two dates.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +yearsBetween([Contacts.current date],​[Contacts.Birthday])
 +==== monthsBetween ====
 +Calculates the months between two dates.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +monthsBetween([Contacts.current date],​[Contacts.Birthday])
 +([tag], [tag]) ### daysBetween
 +Calculates the days between two dates.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +daysBetween([Contacts.current date],​[Contacts.Birthday])
 +==== hoursBetween ====
 +Calculates the hours between two dates.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +hoursBetween([Contacts.current date],​[Contacts.Birthday])
 +([tag], [tag]) ### minutesBetween
 +Calculates the minutes between two dates.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +minutesBetween([Contacts.current date],​[Contacts.Birthday])
 +==== secondsBetween ====
 +Calculates the seconds between two dates.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Items.PublicationDate]** ​ |
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**1** ​                       |
 +<code java>
 +secondsBetween([Contacts.current date],​[Contacts.Birthday])
 +==== truncYear ====
 +Truncates the date to the beginning of the year.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.current date]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +truncYear([Contacts.current date])
 +^Before ​                   ^After ​                       ^
 +|"July 22, 2022, 9:40 AM" ​ |"​January 1, 2022, 12:00 AM" ​ |
 +==== truncMonth ====
 +Truncates the date to the beginning of the month.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.current date]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +truncMonth([Contacts.current date])
 +^Before ​                   ^After ​                    ^
 +|"July 22, 2022, 9:40 AM" ​ |"July 1, 2022, 12:00 AM" ​ |
 +==== truncDay ====
 +Truncates the date to the beginning of the day.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.current date]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +truncDay([Contacts.current date])
 +^Before ​                   ^After ​                     ^
 +|"July 22, 2022, 9:40 AM" ​ |"July 22, 2022, 12:00 AM" ​ |
 +==== truncHour ====
 +Truncates the date to the beginning of the hour.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.current date]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +truncHour([Contacts.current date])
 +^Before ​                   ^After ​                    ^
 +|"July 22, 2022, 9:40 AM" ​ |"July 22, 2022, 9:00 AM" ​ |
 +==== truncMinute ====
 +Truncates the date to the beginning of the hour.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.current date]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +truncMinute([Contacts.current date])
 +^Before ​                      ​^After ​                       ^
 +|"July 22, 2022, 9:40:10 AM" ​ |"July 22, 2022, 9:40:00 AM" ​ |
 +==== truncSecond ====
 +Truncates the date to the beginning of the second.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.current date]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +truncMinute([Contacts.current date])
 +^Before ​                          ​^After ​                           ^
 +|"July 22, 2022, 9:40:10.991 AM" ​ |"July 22, 2022, 9:40:10.000 AM" ​ |
 +===== Date group functions =====
 +Group functions calculate results based on all values in a table column. A list is created using each row in the table column; the group function is then applied to this list. E.g. ''​%%avg([Items.Price])%%''​ which returns the average of the prices in the table "​Items"​.
 +In addition, all functions are available in the variant to return ''​%%null%%''​ if all values in the column were ''​%%null%%''​. These variants have the same name but are postfixed with "​Null",​ E.g. ''​%%minNull([Customers.Birthdate])%%''​. For additional information see [[http://​​wiki/​Null_(SQL)|the Wikipedia entry on SQL Null]].
 +The date group functions can be used with the following actions:
 +  * [[#​calculate_value|Calculate value]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date|Set label with calculated date]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_short|Set label with calculated date short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time|Set label with calculated date time]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_date_time_short|Set label with calculated date time short]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_time|Set label with calculated time]]
 +  * [[#​set_parameter_with_calculated_value|Set Parameter with calculated value]]
 +==== first / firstNull ====
 +Returns the date value of the first row in the table with an existing value. If the value of the last row is empty the value of the row before with an existing value is taken.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                     ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.current date]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +first([Contacts.current date])
 +firstNull([Contacts.current date])
 +==== last / lastNull ====
 +Returns the date value of the last row in the table with an existing value. If the value of the last row is empty the value of the row before with an existing value is taken.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +last([Contacts.current date])
 +lastNull([Contacts.current date])
 +==== min / minNull ====
 +Returns the smallest date value in the table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== max / maxNull ====
 +Returns the greatest date value in the table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== avg / avgNull ====
 +Returns the average date value in the table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== sumToCurrent / sumToCurrentNull ====
 +Adds the date values from the beginning up to and including the current row .
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== sumFromCurrent / sumFromCurrentNull ====
 +Adds the date values from the current row up to and including the last row .
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== sum / sumNull ====
 +Adds the date values from the table.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== count ====
 +Counts the entered non-empty date values in the table.
 +The funtion does not return a date value but a number.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== row ====
 +Does return the actual row number.
 +The funtion does not return a date value but a number. If no row is selected -1 will be returned.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +==== null ====
 +Returns an empty value.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​ ^Example ​                 ^
 +|**Value** ​ |date column ​ |**[Contacts.Birthday]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +===== Text operations =====
 +The listed text operations can be used with the following actions:
 +  * [[#​calculate_value|Calculate value]]
 +  * [[#​set_label_with_calculated_currency|Set label with calculated currency]]
 +  * [[#​set_parameter_with_calculated_value|Set Parameter with calculated value]]
 +==== lpad ====
 +If you want all values to have the same length, you can use lpad to fill in the missing positions on the left with spaces or characters.
 +If you use it without a padding character, it will be used a single space for padding.
 +^Parameter ​         ^Description ​                                        ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Value** ​         |text, column, parameter ​                            ​|**[Orders.Order Number]** ​ |
 +|**Target length** ​ |number ​                                             |**15** ​                    |
 +|**Pad character** ​ |optional - single character (surrounded by quotes) ​ |**'​0'​** ​                   |
 +<code java>
 +lpad([Orders.Order Number],​15,'​0'​)
 +^Before ​  ​^After ​                                 ^
 +|"​12345" ​ |"​----------12345" ​                     |
 +|"​15349" ​ |"​000000000015349" ​                     |
 +|"​12345" ​ |" ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺ 12345" ​ |
 +==== rpad ====
 +If you want all values to have the same length, you can use rpad to fill in the missing positions on the right with spaces or characters.
 +If you use it without a padding character, it will be used a single space for padding.
 +^Parameter ​         ^Description ​                                        ​^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Value** ​         |text, column, parameter ​                            ​|**[Orders.Order Number]** ​ |
 +|**Target length** ​ |number ​                                             |**15** ​                    |
 +|**Pad character** ​ |optional - single character (surrounded by quotes) ​ |**'​0'​** ​                   |
 +<code java>
 +rpad([Orders.Order Number],​15,'​0'​)
 +^Before ​  ​^After ​                                 ^
 +|"​12345" ​ |"​12345----------" ​                     |
 +|"​15349" ​ |"​153490000000000" ​                     |
 +|"​12345" ​ |"​12345 ​ ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺ " ​ |
 +==== ltrim ====
 +Removes spaces from the beginning of a string.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​             ^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Value** ​ |text, column, parameter ​ |**[Orders.Order Number]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +ltrim([Orders.Order Number])
 +^Before ​                       ^After ​         ^
 +|" ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺12345 ​ ̺  ̺ " ​ |"​12345 ​ ̺  ̺ " ​ |
 +|" ̺  ̺15349 ​ ̺  ̺ " ​          ​|"​15349 ​ ̺  ̺ " ​ |
 +==== rtrim ====
 +Removes spaces from the end of a string.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​             ^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Value** ​ |text, column, parameter ​ |**[Orders.Order Number]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +rtrim([Orders.Order Number])
 +^Before ​                       ^After ​         ^
 +|" ̺  ̺12345 ​ ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺ " ​ |" ̺  ̺12345" ​ |
 +|" ̺  ̺15349 ​ ̺  ̺ " ​          ​|"​ ̺  ̺15349" ​ |
 +==== trim ====
 +Removes spaces from the beginning and the end of a string.
 +^Parameter ​ ^Description ​             ^Example ​                   ^
 +|**Value** ​ |text, column, parameter ​ |**[Orders.Order Number]** ​ |
 +<code java>
 +trim([Orders.Order Number])
 +^Before ​                       ^After ​   ^
 +|" ̺  ̺12345 ​ ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺  ̺ " ​ |"​12345" ​ |
 +|" ̺  ̺15349 ​ ̺  ̺ " ​          ​|"​15349" ​ |
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