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jvx:server:storage:metadata_caching [2018/02/02 09:06]
admin created
jvx:server:storage:metadata_caching [2020/07/22 13:10] (current)
cduncan errant space
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-~~Title: Global ​Meta Data Caching~~+~~Title: Global ​Metadata ​Caching~~
-DataBooks ​at the client already allow for the caching of meta data to minimize communication with the server. However, server side storage updates ​meta data each time data is accessed. During productive use this is unnecessary overhead that we would prefer to avoid.+Databooks ​at the client already allow for the caching of metadata ​to minimize communication with the server. However, server-side storage updates ​metadata ​each time data is accessed. During productive usethis is unnecessary overhead that we would prefer to avoid.
-Global ​meta data caching is configured in the server´s configuration file, config.xml, using the following option:+Global ​metadata ​caching is configured in the server´s configuration file, config.xml, using the following option:
 <file xml> <file xml>
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 </​file>​ </​file>​
-If any meta data is modified while this option is activated, either the application server has to be restarted or the application context has to be updated, ​since the cache is static.+If any metadata ​is modified while this option is activated, either the application server has to be restartedor the application context has to be updated, ​as the cache is static.
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