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jvx:features [2018/11/29 13:40]
jvx:features [2018/11/29 14:08]
Line 37: Line 37:
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 == Quick & Easy development == == Quick & Easy development ==
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP column column>
 +Client Code:
 +<file java>
 +private void initializeUI() throws Exception ​ {
 +  UITable table = new UITable();
 +  table.setDataBook(rdbContacts);//​bind to UI model
 +  add(table, UIBorderLayout.CENTER);​
 +  setTitle("​Contacts"​);​
 +  setSize(new UIDimension(600,​ 500));
 +private void initializeModel() throws Throwable {
 +  RemoteDataBook rdbContacts = new RemoteDataBook();​
 +  rdbContacts.setDataSource(getDatasource());​ // bind to DAO „contacts“
 +  rdbContacts.setName("​contacts"​); ​
 +Server Code:
 +<file java>
 +public IStorage getContacts() throws Exception {
 +  DBStorage dbsContacts = (DBStorage)get("​contacts"​);​
 +  if (dbsContacts == null) {
 +    dbsContacts = new DBStorage();​ // Automatic DAO
 +    dbsContacts.setDBAccess(getDBAccess()); ​
 +    dbsContacts.setWritebackTable("​CONTACTS"​);​
 +    put("​contacts",​ dbsContacts);​
 +  }
 +  return dbsContacts; ​
 +<WRAP column third>
 +**You don't need more code!**
 +You write just a few lines of code for an application that manages your contacts.
 +  * **initializeUI()** \\ Initialize an UITable, bind it to the model and add it to the screen.
 +  * **initializeModel()** \\ Instantiate model for contacts, bind it to the server and the DAO "​contacts"​.
 +  * **getContacts()** \\ Instantiate DAO "​contacts",​ initialize it with database and table "​CONTACTS"​.
 == How does it work? == == How does it work? ==
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP column column>
 +<WRAP column third>
 +//JVx' DAO class DBStorage analyzes the data model of table "​CONTACTS"​. This detects all data types for all columns and all foreign keys to master data tables. This metadata information are sent to the client model.
 +The dynamic client model, for all Daten data-bound GUI controls, uses this metadata.
 +Because of this mechanism, all input fields get a specific data type, and size directly from the database. Dropdown lists are created because of foreign key references to master data tables, etc.
 + As a result, no further source code is necessary.\\ **Covention over Configuration**
 +Any deviation from the standard behavior can be coded accordingly.
 == All Features == == All Features ==
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