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jvx:communication:client_server_properties [2018/02/01 08:08]
admin created
jvx:communication:client_server_properties [2024/11/18 10:35] (current)
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 Client/​Server properties are used to transmit information about the client to the server and vice versa. The transmission of properties is integrated in the communication protocol and does not require special handling. Client/​Server properties are used to transmit information about the client to the server and vice versa. The transmission of properties is integrated in the communication protocol and does not require special handling.
-During the transmission,​ only new, changed or deleted properties are considered. In addition, only strings, numbers and boolean values are transmitted but no serializable POJOs. This guarantees that the same properties are available at the server and at the client and that they are synchronized at the time of access.+During the transmission,​ only new, changedor deleted properties are considered. In addition, only strings, numbersand boolean values are transmitted but no serializable POJOs. This guarantees that the same properties are available at the server and at the client and that they are synchronized at the time of access.
 When a property is set at the client, it does not always trigger immediate transmission to the server. The properties are usually considered automatically during the next communication. There are, however, properties to which this does not apply, particularly properties that control certain settings, such as timeouts. When a property is set at the client, it does not always trigger immediate transmission to the server. The properties are usually considered automatically during the next communication. There are, however, properties to which this does not apply, particularly properties that control certain settings, such as timeouts.
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 ... ...
 ... ...
-PREFIX_CLIENT + "​spec_version"​ mit javax.rad.IPackageSetup.SPEC_VERSION+PREFIX_CLIENT + "​spec_version"​ mit jvx.rad.IPackageSetup.SPEC_VERSION
 </​file>​ </​file>​
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 </​file>​ </​file>​
-Properties are also set on the server side during ​intialisation ​of the session:+Properties are also set on the server side during ​initialization ​of the session:
 <file java> <file java>
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 ... ...
 PREFIX_SERVER + "​server_version"​ with com.sibvisions.rad.IPackageSetup.SERVER_VERSION PREFIX_SERVER + "​server_version"​ with com.sibvisions.rad.IPackageSetup.SERVER_VERSION
-PREFIX_SERVER + "​spec_version"​ with javax.rad.IPackageSetup.SPEC_VERSION+PREFIX_SERVER + "​spec_version"​ with jvx.rad.IPackageSetup.SPEC_VERSION
 PREFIX_SERVER + "​hostname"​ with the host name of the server PREFIX_SERVER + "​hostname"​ with the host name of the server
 PREFIX_SERVER + "​address"​ with the IP address of the server PREFIX_SERVER + "​address"​ with the IP address of the server
 </​file>​ </​file>​
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