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jvx:common:util:log4j [2018/02/02 09:52]
admin created
jvx:common:util:log4j [2020/06/15 14:40] (current)
cduncan Edited for English grammar (capitalization, punctuation, correct verb conjugation)
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-~~Title: Log4j instead ​of Logging API~~+~~Title: Log4j Instead ​of Logging API~~
-If you want to use log4j or log4j2 instead of standard Java logging API for your application,​ simply configure the logger ​via config.xml ​of your server zone:+If you want to use log4j or log4j2 instead of standard Java logging API for your application,​ simply ​add the logger factory configuration to your classpath. First, create a file with the name 
 +in one of your source/​resource directories. Don't use a package name!\\  
 +Put following content in it: 
 +<file properties>​ 
 +Don't forget to add the dependencies to your project (log4j or log4j2) and to configure:​ 
 +<file properties>​ 
 +<file xml log4j2.xml>​ 
 +<?xml version="​1.0"​ encoding="​UTF-8"?>​ 
 +  <​Appenders>​ 
 +    <Console name="​STDOUT"​ target="​SYSTEM_OUT">​ 
 +      <​PatternLayout pattern="​%d %-5p [%t] %C{1} (%F:%L) - %m%n"/>​ 
 +    </​Console>​ 
 +  </​Appenders>​ 
 +  <​Loggers>​ 
 +    <Root level="​error">​ 
 +      <​AppenderRef ref="​STDOUT"/>​ 
 +    </​Root>​ 
 +  </​Loggers>​ 
 +Another way to configure the logger ​factory is to set the system property:  
 +as JVM start parameter (-DLoggerFactory.default=...). 
 +This system property works in all JVx versions.\\ 
 +JVx **before 2.8.5** also had different configuration options: 
 +== config.xml ​== 
 +(server zone)
 <file xml config.xml>​ <file xml config.xml>​
Line 8: Line 64:
 <​server>​ <​server>​
 +   ...
   ​   ​
   <​logfactory>​com.sibvisions.util.log.log4j.Log4jLoggerFactory</​logfactory>​   <​logfactory>​com.sibvisions.util.log.log4j.Log4jLoggerFactory</​logfactory>​
-  ... 
 </​server>​ </​server>​
 </​file>​ </​file>​
-It's also possible to use log4j(2) for your client ​application. ​Simply set the application parameter:+== application.xml == 
-<​file ​script+<​file ​xml application.xml
 +  ... 
 +  <Launcher.logfactory>​com.sibvisions.util.log.log4j.Log4jLoggerFactory</​Launcher.logfactory>​ 
 </​file>​ </​file>​
-ia command-line parameter or via application.xml. There'​s also a constant ​in javax.rad.application.ILauncher with the name PARAM_LOGFACTORY. +\\  
- +These options are not supported ​in newer JVx versions ​because you had to configure logging in different places.
-We don't recommend other log APIs than java logging API if you start your JVx application as an Applet, ​because ​it makes deployment more complex. But it's possible if you want.+
 **<fs 20px>​Note</​fs>​** **<fs 20px>​Note</​fs>​**
 We have sample files for log4j and log4j2 in our [[http://​​p/​jvx/​code/​HEAD/​tree/​trunk/​java/​library/​test/​|repository]]. We have sample files for log4j and log4j2 in our [[http://​​p/​jvx/​code/​HEAD/​tree/​trunk/​java/​library/​test/​|repository]].
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