

Create an Anonymous Connection

This is an old revision of the document!

You have different options if you need a connection before the user is authenticated. You could establish a connection with pre-configured username and password (but this isn't highly secure), you could use JVx's standard AUTOLOGIN feature via database configuration (Table AUTOLOGIN), or you could create an anonymous connection.

An anonymous connection is similar to a connection created via Autologin, but in the case of Autologin, you store the login key on the client machine. An anonymous connection doesn't store anything on the client.

Establish an Anonymous Connection

You have to do following steps:

  1. Change the security manager of your application, in your config.xml, to
  2. Configure a new User in the database table USERS with ANONYMOUS set to Y
  3. Create the connection:
    MasterConnection con = new MasterConnection(createConnection());
    con.setProperty(IConnectionConstants.PREFIX_CLIENT + "login.anonymous", "true");
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