The analyzer factory creates the default analyzers like:

Every analyzer handles the request from the mobile app and adds one or more responses like:

The project uses the DefaultAnalyzerFactory but it's possible to use your own factory. To change the default factory, simply set the init parameter in your deployment descriptor: analyzerfactory

Set a full qualified java class and be sure that your class extends DefaultAnalyzerFactory.

    <!-- Application class name -->

In your own analyzer, simply override the specific method, e.g.

public LoginAnalyzer createLoginAnalyzer(CommandRouter pRouter, ApplicationRequest pRequest)
    return MyLoginAnalyzer(pRouter, pRequest);

The analyzer itself could look like this example:

public class MyLoginAnalyzer extends LoginAnalyzer
    protected MyLoginAnalyzer(ApplicationResource pResource, ApplicationRequest pRequest)
	super(pResource, pRequest);
    public void analyze(List<ApplicationResponse> pResponse) throws Throwable
        //your code here