If you use database procedures and/or functions in your application, wouldn't it be great to call them with one simple call? Normally, a function or procedure call is very complex because you have to define a CallableStatement, set the output parameters, execute the statement, and read the result. And don't forget that the parameter index starts with 1 instead of 0!
Suppose we have a function (e.g., Oracle):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION execFunction(pNumber IN OUT NUMBER, pInText IN VARCHAR2, pOutText OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS res VARCHAR2(200); nr NUMBER := pNumber; BEGIN pOutText := 'Out: '|| pOutText ||' In: '|| pInText; pNumber := pNumber + pNumber; RETURN 'IN-Param Nr: '|| nr; END execFunction;
The function is simple but uses one in/out and one out parameter. A standard JDBC call looks like:
Connection con; //create a DB connection CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ ? = call EXECFUNCTION(?, ?, ?) }"); cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.DECIMAL); cstmt.registerOutParameter(4, Types.VARCHAR); cstmt.setObject(2, BigDecimal.valueOf(1), Types.DECIMAL); cstmt.setObject(3, "ABC", Types.VARCHAR); cstmt.execute(); Object oResult = cstmt.getObject(1);
The execution has more lines of code than the function in the database!
Now we call the same function through JVx:
Object oResult = dba.executeFunction("execFunction", Types.VARCHAR, BigDecimal.valueOf(1), "ABC", null);
You are right, we have not support for in/out and out parameters! To support this kind of parameters, we have some special classes:
Use it as with the following code:
OutParam ouTextParam = new OutParam(InOutParam.SQLTYPE_VARCHAR); InOutParam ioNumberParam = new InOutParam(InOutParam.SQLTYPE_DECIMAL, BigDecimal.valueOf(1)); Object oResult = dba.executeFunction("execFunction", Types.VARCHAR, ioNumberParam, "ABC", ouTextParam); Object oNumber = ioNumberParam.getValue(); Object oText = ouTextParam.getValue();
The executeFunction
method supports standard Java objects and our special Param objects, as used in the previous example.
If you want to call a database procedure instead of a function, use the same classes and call executeProcedure