~~Title: User Profiles and Filters~~
=== Introduction ===
The User Profile AddOn saves your screen layout if you close a screen and restores everything if you open the same screen again. This works per user and global. It's possible to create default screen layouts for every user, and a specific user will use its own layout based on the global one. The AddOn also adds a new functionality to your tables:
A new button (? icon) will be added to the table. The dialog will show the table name, the number of records/rows, and all available columns. It's possible to hide or show specific columns with this dialog.
The filter is a module and is bundled with user profiles. It allows the user to create custom filter conditions directly in the screen. Here's how this might look:
The following conditions are available:
* contains
* not contains
* starts with
* not starts with
* equals
* not equals
* between
* not between
* greater
* less
* greater or equals
* less or equals
It's possible to add as many conditions as you want and single conditions can be enabled or disabled.
The customized filter can also be saved and loaded:
Another feature is and/or grouping. Decide which option is combined with "and" or "or".
=== Customizing ===
The AddOn is designed to be customizable. The default settings and implementations can be modified.The AddOn contains the class ProfileUtil which offers a lot of useful methods, such as:
setDefaultTableInformationDialogClass(IApplication app, Class clazz)
This method set the class which should be used to show the table information dialog. It's possible to extend the existing class **TableInformationDialog**.
It's also possible to change the table information dialog per Navigation table:
setTableInformationDialogClass(NavigationTable table, Class clazz)
It's also possible to hide the table information button:
setDefaultShowTableInformationButton(IApplication app, boolean show)
Check the available methods of **ProfileUtil** to find out more.
Another feature is the definition of available column names in the table information dialog:
databook.getRowDefinition().setColumnView(ITableInformationControl.class, new ColumnView(new String[] {...}));
This statement defines a list of column names which will be shown in the table information dialog.
=== Full API documentation ===
[[https://doc.sibvisions.com/javadoc/userfilter/index.html|User Filter]] \\