~~Title: Ignore Navigation for Specific Screens~~
It's super easy to enable standard Browser navigation for an application. Simply set the application parameter
to **true**.
If navigation is enabled, it's possible to use the browser buttons, Back and Forward, to navigate between your screens. But sometimes, you don't want navigation for specific screens, e.g. open a screen as modal "popup". The modal popup is just a detail of another screen and not a real navigation target.
It's possible to disable navigation for screens. You have different options:
* Implement the interface ''com.sibvisions.apps.vaadin.IIgnoreNavigation'' in your workscreen class \\ //(best option for base workscreen classes)//
* Add the annotation ''com.sibvisions.apps.vaadin.IgnoreNavigation'' to your workscreen class \\ //(good for specific workscreen classes)//
* Set the parameter #IGNORENAVIGATION, e.g. \\
HashMap mpParams = new HashMap();
mpParams.put("#IGNORENAVIGATION", Boolean.TRUE);
getApplication().openWorkScreen(StatusWorkScreen.class.getName(), Modality.Modal, mpParams);
//(good for on-demand workscreens)//