~~Title: DataSourceHandler and DBCredentials~~ Simple integration of multiple databases is an easy task with JVx. Configuration is usually completed via the application's config.xml file. This allows for easy access in the life cycle objects: com.sibvisions.rad.server.security.DBSecurityManager jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:mydb user password jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/masterdb master master To access: IConfiguration config = SessionContext.getCurrentSessionConfig(); dba = DBAccess.getDBAccess(DBSecurityManager.getCredentials(config)); dba.open(); using the data source of the SecurityManager. To access data sources independently from the security Manager we use DataSourceHandler: IConfiguration config = SessionContext.getCurrentSessionConfig(); DBCredentials cred = DataSourceHandler.createDBCredentials(config, "masterdb"); dba = DBAccess.getDBAccess(cred); dba.open(); \\ **Note** The [[jvx:server:security:dbsecman|DB Security Manager]] allows the use of a standard data source without any additional configuration effort: com.sibvisions.rad.server.security.DBSecurityManager jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:mydb user password The security manager uses the data source named "default" as the standard connection.