~~NOTRANS~~ ~~Title: En-/Disable REST Services~~ JVx REST services offer access to application functionality out of the box. It also contains some administrative services that are not included in your application. If you won't use these services, or won't use specific services, it's possible disable all or specific services. The administration services are available per default. **You have following options:** In your deployment descriptor (web.xml), use init parameters: adminservices.available false adminservices.enabled false adminservice.NAME.enabled false service.storageMetaData.enabled false It's also possible to disable all default admin services and enable single services by name. In any case, admin services have to be available. If not available, it's not possible to en-/disable a service. The default service names are: * checkDB * changePassword * testAuthentication The //StorageService// itself has another option to configure REST services. It's possible to use a configuration object like this: dbs = new DBStorage(); dbs.setDBAccess(getDataSource()); dbs.setWritebackTable("ADRESSEN"); dbs.open(); //Additional configuration for REST StorageServiceConfig cfg = new StorageServiceConfig(); //Disable DELETE cfg.setOptionEnabled(Option.Delete, false); //Disable OPTIONS (= MetaData) cfg.setOptionEnabled(Option.MetaData, false); dbs.putObject(StorageServiceConfig.class.getName(), cfg);