~~NOTRANS~~ ~~Title: Database Connection via JNDI~~ If you use the [[jvx:server:security:dbsecman|DBSecurityManager]] for authentication, or if you use a database in your application, the [[jvx:server:storage:datasourcehandler_dbcredentials|configuration]] is in your applications config.xml. The configuration is plain xml, and it's possible to [[jvx:server:security:config_encrypt|use encryption]]. It's also possible to read the [[jvx:common:setup:zones|configuration via JNDI]]. Another option is to use JNDI to create a database connection. In this case, you should set the JDBC URL to something like this: ... com.sibvisions.rad.server.security.DBSecurityManager java:/comp/env/jvx/myapp/config/db ... The JNDI resource can be an instance of DBAccess, IConnectionPool, java.sql.Connection or javax.sql.DataSource. The application code, e.g., in your Session LCO: protected DBAccess getDBAccess() throws Exception { DBAccess dba = (DBAccess)get("dBAccess"); if (dba == null) { DBCredentials dbcred = DBSecurityManager.getCredentials(SessionContext.getCurrentSessionConfig()); //no credentials -> no database access possible (should not happen, only if configuration is not finished) if (dbcred != null) { dba = DBAccess.getDBAccess(dbcred); dba.open(); put("dBAccess", dba); } } return dba; } will work without changes.