~~NOTRANS~~ ~~Title: Use XmlWorker and XmlNode~~ If you work with XML files, it's not too easy to use the right parser because there are many of them and, if you want a simple parser without writing a lot of source code, you need some luck. We added two classes to JVx that solves simple XML handling. == Example == XML file: 2001 COM1 1000 C:\Temp\smedia user password SERVER_1 c:\temp\pbxdb user password C:\temp\pdffonts pdf C:\temp\xlsfonts xls Hans Comment Huber Comment2 Pauli This is a text from Hansi Huber Read/Insert/Set tags: XmlWorker xmw = new XmlWorker(); XmlNode xmn = xmw.read("simple.xml"); //---------------------------- // Read nodes //---------------------------- //Access a single TAG xmn.getNodeValue("/server/media"); //Access a TAG from a list xmn.getNodeValue("/server/report(1)/format") //---------------------------- // Insert new nodes //---------------------------- //quick inserts xmn.insertNode("/server/report(0)", null); xmn.setNode("/server/report(0)/format", "ABC"); xmn.insertNode("/server/startport(1)", "ABCD"); //with nodes XmlNode xmnInsert = new XmlNode("ABCD"); xmnInsAttrib = new XmlNode(XmlNode.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, "attrib1", xmnInsert); xmnInsAttrib.setValue("Attribut"); xmn.insertNode("/server/startport(1)", xmnInsert); //---------------------------- // Set nodes //---------------------------- xmn.setNode("/server/domain", "www.domain.com") //---------------------------- // Save //---------------------------- xmn.write("simple_new.xml", xmn); It's easy to access and modify information in an XML file. We use '/' as separator for navigating through the hierarchy and **(n)** to access tags from a list of tags. There are more useful methods, e.g., find the index of a tag in a list of tags. The following example creates a XML structure in memory. XmlNode xmn = XmlNode.createXmlDeclaration(); xmn.insertNode("/server/a/b/c", "A"); xmn.insertNode("/server/a/b/c", "B"); xmn.insertNode("/server/a/b/c", "A"); xmn.insertNode("/server/a/b/c", "B"); xmn.insertNode("/server/a/b/c", "A"); xmn.insertNode("/server/a/b(1)/c", "A"); xmn.insertNode("/server/a/b/b", "A"); XmlNode xmnSearch = xmnRead.getNode("/server/a/b(0)"); //returns 0 xmnSearch.indexOf("/c", "A", 0); //returns 2 xmnSearch.indexOf("/c", "A", 1); //returns 3 xmnSearch.indexOf("/c", "A", 3); //returns 0 xmnSearch.indexOf("/b", "A", 0); xmn.insertNode("/server/a/b(1)/1", "A"); xmn.insertNode("/server/a/b(2)/2", "A"); xmn.insertNode("/server/a(1)/b/3", "A"); //returns 0 xmn.indexOf("/server/a/b/b", "A", 0) The ''.toString()'' method returns the XML representation of the node and all subnodes.