~~NOTRANS~~ ~~Title: Compiling JVx~~ The source code is available at [[https://sourceforge.net/p/jvx/code/HEAD/tree/|sourceforge]]. Simply use svn and check out the repository, e.g.: svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/jvx/code/trunk/java/library jvx-library //The path: trunk/java/library is enough. It's not necessary to checkout the whole trunk.// The directory contains a fully configured [[http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/eclipse-packages/|Eclipse]] project. Simply open the JVx project in Eclipse, and everything should be fine. It's also possible to use another IDE. All dependencies are included in the **lib** directory, so you shouldn't have any problems. The project has multiple source folders: **src**, **test**, **test.manual**, **intern**.