~~NOTRANS~~ ~~Title: Change date format of Cell Editor~~ To set a custom date format on a date cell, simply use following code: UIDateCellEditor dateEditor = new UIDateCellEditor(); //use long pre-configured date format dateEditor.setDateFormat(((SimpleDateFormat)SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance(SimpleDateFormat.LONG)).toPattern()); or use a custom format dateEditor.setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Above statements will create a date cell editor with configured date format. To apply the format, simply set the cell editor databook.getRowDefinition().getColumnDefinition("COLUMN_NAME").getDataType().setCellEditor(dateEditor); It's not necessary to create multiple date cell editors for the same format, simply re-use existing instances. We have some static cell editors in our [[https://sourceforge.net/p/jvx/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/java/library/src/javax/rad/application/ApplicationUtil.java|ApplicationUtil]] class, e.g. IMAGE_VIEWER We recommend that you create a utility class for your cell editors as well.