~~NOTRANS~~ ~~Title: Supported Application.xml Properties~~ ==== Template ==== This is an //application.xml// for business applications (with all possible parameters): http://localhost/JVx.Server [Application.serverbase]/services/CodeBase/ com.sibvisions.rad.remote.http.HttpConnection <_Application.connectionClass>remote.net.VMConnection url,serializer service Application.serverbase]/services/Server com.sibvisions.rad.remote.ByteSerializer com.sibvisions.apps.auth.UserPwdAuthenticator, com.sibvisions.apps.auth.NtlmAuthenticator /com/sibvisions/apps/projx/translation.xml myerp admin admin /com/sibvisions/apps/projx/images/login.png /com/sibvisions/apps/projx/images/loader.gif 255,255,255 false false false true /com/sibvisions/apps/projx/images/background.jpg bottom right stretch stretch stretch stretch My ERP 1.0 SIB Visions GmbH\n Wehlistreet 29 / Stair 1 / 2nd Floor\n A-1200 Vienna\n\n http://www.sibvisions.com\n office@sibvisions.com You can configure your connection class, your desktop images, the default language, the default translation - primarily the appearance of the application. ==== Application Properties ==== **Application.serverbase** The base URL, if needed. **Application.title** The application title/name. **Application.title.fixed** If true, the application title won't be changed. Usually, the current username will be added to the title. **Application.authenticator** A comma separated list of IAuthenticator implementations (full qualified java classes), e.g. com.sibvisions.apps.auth.UserPwdAuthenticator, ...NtlmAuthenticator, ...ConnectAuthenticator, ...AutoLoginAuthenticator, ...ActivationAuthenticator An authenticator may need a special security manager, e.g., NtlmDBSecurityManager, SpnegoDBSecurityManager, AnonymousDBSecurityManager. Configure the security manager via config.xml **Application.language** The hard-coded language for the application, e.g., en, de, ru The system locale will be ignored if set. **Application.timeZone** The hard-coded timezone for the application, e.g. UTC If set, no automatic timezone conversion will be done and the set timezone will be used for all dates. **Application.translation** The XML resource which contains the translation. If you have a translation provider, e.g., DBTranslationProvider, the file should contain only the translation of pre-login texts. The translation provider will translate everything after successful authentication. **Application.translationprovider.classname** The full qualified java class name of an ITranslationProvider implementation. An application doesn't use a translation provider by default. **Application.workscreenmanager.classname** The full qualified java class name of an IWorkScreenManager implementation. The default implementation is InternalFrameWorkScreenManager (for desktop applications). **Application.iconstyle** Defines which icons should be used. The values are: modern, classic. The iconstyle will be by the ITheme implementation: ModernTheme, ClassicTheme It's also possible to set a custom theme implementation. **Application.theme** A full qualified java class name of an ITheme implementation. **Application.Login.classname** A full qualified java class name of an ILogin implementation. **Application.Login.application** The name of the application. This name will be set as application name for the Master connection. **Application.Login.username** The username. It will be shown in the login dialog. If an authenticator is set, it will be used for authentication. **Application.Login.password** The password. It will be shown in the login dialog. If an authenticator is set, it will be used for authentication. **Application.Login.image** The image in the login dialog. **Application.Login.loadImage** The image for the login dialog if authenticator is set. If an authenticator is set, the login dialog is very small with only an icon and an info text. **Application.Login.background** The background color of the login dialog. **Application.Login.background_center** The background color of the center area in the login dialog. **Application.Login.register** If true, a register button will be shown in the login dialog. The doRegister method of your application will be called. The default implementation does nothing. **Application.Login.manual** If true, the login dialog won't be shown automatically. The user has to click the login button. This mode can be used for applications with content for anonymous content. **Application.Login.autologin** If true, the autologin checkbox will be shown in the login dialog. **Application.Login.lostPassword** If true, the lost password button will be shown in the login dialog. **Application.Menu.classname** The full qualified java class name of the menu class. The menu isn't defined as interface. **Application.Menu.visible** If false, the menu bar won't be shown. **Application.Menu.exit.visible** If false, the exit button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.changePassword.visible** If false, the change button button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.login.visible** If false, the login button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.logout.visible** If false, the logout button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.loginLogout.visible** If false, the login and logout button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.rollback.visible** If false, the rollback button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.undo.visible** If false, the undo button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.redo.visible** If false, the redo button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.logout.visible** If false, the logout button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.save.visible** If false, the save button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.reload.visible** If false, the reload button won't be shown. **Application.Menu.home.visible*** If false, the home button won't be shown. This feature is not available in all UIs. **Application.Menu.usersettings.visible** If false, the usersettings button won't be shown. **Application.MenulToolBar.small** If true, the toolbar buttons will be shown without text. **Application.Menu.ToolBar.visible** If false, the toolbar won't be shown. **Application.InternalFrame.image** The resource path for the internal frame icon. **Application.InternalFrame.centerfirst** If true, the first internal frame will be centered. **Application.InternalFrame.saveOnDeactivate** If true, a workscreen will be saved automatically if a screen will be inactive. **Application.Desktop.image** The resource path for the default desktop background image. **Application.Desktop.image.halign** The horizontal alignment of the desktop background image: left, right, stretch **Application.Desktop.image.valign** The vertical alignment of the desktop background image: top, bottom, stretch **Application.Desktop.image.connected** The resource path for the desktop background image, if a user is authenticated. **Application.Desktop.image.connected.halign** The horizontal alignment of the desktop background image, if authenticated: left, right, stretch **Application.Desktop.image.connected.valign** The vertical alignment of the desktop background image, if authenticated: top, bottom, stretch **Application.Desktop.topimage** The resource path for the top image. The top image will be shown under the toolbar/menubar. **Application.Desktop.topimage.halign** The horizontal alignment of the top image, if authenticated: left, right, stretch **Application.Desktop.topimage.valign** The vertical alignment of the top image, if authenticated: top, bottom, stretch **Application.Desktop.bottomimage** The resource path for the bottom image. The bottom image will be at the bottom of the desktop. **Application.Desktop.bottomimage.halign** The horizontal alignment of the bottom image, if authenticated: left, right, stretch **Application.Desktop.bottomimage.valign** The vertical alignment of the bottom image, if authenticated: top, bottom, stretch **Application.Desktop.background** The background color of the desktop (RGB values or html notation): 128, 128, 128 or #808080 **RemoteDataSource.MetaDataCacheRole** The client cache role: global, datasource, off (case insensitive) **Application.Help.Url** The help URL. If not set, the URL will be created as /help/ **Application.Help.visible** If false, the help menuitems won't be shown. **Application.WelcomeScreen** The full qualified java class name of the welcome screen. The screen will be shown centered, if the user is allowed to open the screen. **Application.Error.classname** The full qualified java class name of the error class. **Application.Error.details** If false, the details button will be hidden. **Application.About.text** The text will be shown in the about dialog. **Application.version** The version will be shown in the about dialog, if set. **Company.name** The company name will be shown in the about dialog, if set. **Company.url** Currently not used in the application, but used for build scripts. ==== Connection ==== The connection properties are very special and depend on the connection class. **Application.connection.timeout** The connection timeout in minutes (-1) to disable the timeout. Usually, the timeout is configured on server side. **Application.subconnection.timeout** The sub connectiontimeout in minutes (-1) to disable the timeout. Usually, the timeout is configured on serve side. **Application.connection.alive** The alive interval in milliseconds (-1) to disable the alive check. If you set a value < 1 second, the default value of 30 seconds will be used. **Application.connectionParams** A comma separated list of parameter names. The name will be used to detect the value! Value detection: It's possible to define a parameter name and a parameter value: service http://... It's also possible to use the parameter name as real name and to define only the value: com.sibvisions.rad.remote.UniversalSerializer **Application.connectionClass** The full qualified java class name of an IConnection implementation. This class will be used for the master connection. ==== Launcher Properties ==== **Launcher.codebase** Used for loading resources during application life cycle. **Launcher.logfactory** The full qualified java class of a LoggerFactory implementation. The default implementation is JdkLoggerFactory. **Launcher.uifactory** The full qualified java class name of an IFactory implementation. **Launcher.environment** The environment name. Usually, the environment will be detected automatically. **Application.LookAndFeel** Sets the look and feel class name. This parameter is technology dependent and usually only Swing UI takes care of this parameter.