public class DBEditFrame extends UIInternalFrame { ... ... /** * Initializes the UI. *

* @throws Exception if the initialization throws an error */ private void initializeUI() throws Exception { UIGroupPanel group = new UIGroupPanel(); group.setText("Alle Kontakte"); group.setLayout(new UIBorderLayout()); UIGroupPanel groupBut = new UIGroupPanel(); groupBut.setText("Optionen"); group.setLayout(new UIFlowLayout()); UITable table = new UITable(); table.setDataBook(rdbContacts); UIButton butNew = new UIButton("Neuer Kontakt"); UIButton butDel = new UIButton("Löschen"); group.add(table); groupBut.add(butNew); groupBut.add(butDel); //same behaviour as centered component in BorderLayout setLayout(new UIBorderLayout()); add(group, UIBorderLayout.CENTER); add(groupBut, UIBorderLayout.EAST); setTitle("Kontakte"); setSize(new UIDimension(600, 500)); } ... ... } // DBEditFrame