JVx's reflective class allows you to create class instances or call methods via reflection but without directly using java.lang.reflect.

How does it work?

We have a short example for you. Our class:

package com.sibvisions.app;
public class MyClient
   public Result doUpload(String pKey, String pValue)
   public Result doDownload(String pPath)
   public Result doDownload(File pFile)

A simple method call:

Object oClient = Reflective.construct("com.sibvisions.app.MyClient");
Reflective.call(oClient, "doUpload", "Key", "Value");

Now we call doDownload:

Object oClient = Reflective.construct("com.sibvisions.app.MyClient");
//no problem
Reflective.call(oClient, "doDownload", "file.txt");
//without Parameter, maybe we call the wrong method
Reflective.call(oClient, "doDownload", new Reflective.Parameter(String.class, null));

As you can see, we use the class Reflective.Parameter. It is useful if you have methods with the same name and same number of parameters but with different parameter types. Without this class, it is not guaranteed that the desired method is called.